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Posts posted by globglob

  1. Hi Malawry,

    I'm currently at LCB-Scottdale, aka SCI. We have different kitchens for each block: Basics, Saucier, Stocks and Soups, etc. We also have two separate campuses as well. I'm currently in Basics. I am very jealous of your spice table. We just have spices in racks on the door of the equipment cage. Our main kitchen is just like yours, only with two more rows of ranges since there are about thirty students in the class. There's a small demo station in the corner of the kitchen where the chef does the demos. Since we're only in Basics, the Chef demos for about twenty minutes at the most. Our kitchen doesn't have any walk-ins, just reach-ins. I'm not sure what the other kitchens are like, but in Basics we all wash our own stuff after everything is done or as Chef would rather have us do "Wash as you go!"

  2. Hi Malawry!

    I wanted to take this little moment of free time to thank you for posts. They are inspiring, motivational, insightful, entertaining, educational, and well written. I could go on and on but you get the point. :laugh: I followed your diary religiously before I started at the Scottsdale Culinary Institute last week. I must admit it's been a blur so far and I'm falling dangerously behind in your entries. But I'll find a way to catch up!

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