So many nocino questions, so little time... To all of you nocino makers, I have some questions, as my walnuts are due to arrive in the next few days: 1. Does it have to be made in a glass jar? 2. Is it best when made in a glass jar? 3. Should the jar be sealed? 4. Why do so many recipes call for lemon or lemon peel? 5. To anyone who has used maple syrup as the sweetener, how did it taste? I met with Giorgio of Monteverdi Spirits when I was in Napa a few months ago. He said (and this is backed up by an article about him from a few years ago: that he steeps the walnuts in a 40% alcohol solution of grape brandy (or, as he called it, "aqua vitae") and water by themselves for about 2 months, and then after the walnuts are removed, the spices and sugar are added. Has anyone tried making it this way? Any suggestions? HELP!!! -vm