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Everything posted by durhamchef

  1. Its a shame to think about it. Considering the glory days of 2 stars 5 rosettes. Then rob regains one and four, now its just 2 rosettes it seems greed over food id say. lower the costs for one, tasting should be no more than 55 for 2 rosettes in my opinion
  2. If colin gets the star then WHY is andy there,,,, surley andy went there to regain a star for WF and not to be just a sous chef. Its 10 years since WF gained 2* this guide,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHY IS COLIN DOING THIS TO WINTERINGHAM????????????????????????????? ← because he spent £1.2m + on it and needs to be in control of the kitchen so he doesn't get left without chefs again? ← You have hit the nail on the head Gary. If Colin is known to be Chef Patron, then he will be thinking that he can't loose a star again when the next head chef leaves. This is presuming that he regains the star, which is sounding very unlikely at the moment!! ← It is indeedi i mean when the team i worked with was there we must have been so close to the second star it was a dream team. Rob, then dan then alan, 3 great chefs. so its such a shame to see it go from a major strength to the position it in now, im just very happy rob got out at the right time as every one can see he is maintaining his exelent standards else were. I agree with what Germain said about Rob by saying he will be the youngest chef to ever gain 3 stars. Patrick, do you no when dan and alan went to, robs 2 sous chefs at the fields.
  3. well as far as i no colin is head. He is after all a trained chef so maybe he thinks he can get the job done.
  4. I used to work with robert last summer, and hes an amazing guy to work with. He strongley believes in pushing th younger chefs through. The owner of winteringham fields, colin has now taken over the kitchen his self with the asssistance off Andrew Foster, one of Germains old head chefs.
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