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Posts posted by andre1975

  1. Well here goes. My first ever post. I've been reading this thread with interest: as someone who used to buy chocolate for a living, I can only impart my view based on my own experience.

    Relying on percentage cocoa is a complete misnomer. Just because a chocolate bar has a high percentage of cocoa, doesn't necessarily make it a good bar. It really depends on the type, quantity and quality of ingredients used. Michel Cluizel, does fantastic chocolates, as they actually are involved in the complete chocolate making process, from bean selection to the end product. Contrary to a previous posting, there is a difference based on where the cocoa comes from.

    Like all things grown in the earth, the produce takes on the characteristics based on the environment it is grown in (which is why a glasshouse tomato never tastes as good as one you've grown yourself outdoors)

    In terms of interesting chocolatiers I would recommend, I would suggest:


    Michel Cluizel

    Scharffen Berger

    Maison du Chocolat


    I think most of these are available in the US.

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