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    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  1. Rotuts, that looks great, but you're right, it won't work for my group. Could anyone tell me if the city center is far form the waterfront area?
  2. Hi all, Next week my company will be attending a conference in Boston, location is the Westin Boston Waterfront. Now I want to organise a dinner with some people we know in the business, nothing too fancy but a good get together with interesting people to discuss business topics in a personal and relaxed manner. Would anybody be able to help me finding a nice restaurant in the area of the hotel? I am looking for a relaxed atmosphere, no suits etc. Tasty, affordable food is ofcourse a requirement! Thank you all for your help!
  3. Thanks Simon and Patrick! This is really helpful. Cheers.
  4. I'm travelling to Dublin 14 September and I'm thorn between the two restaurants above. Mind, this is on a budget, so I prefer lunch. Which one is better? At the moment I'm leaning to Chapter One. Also looking for other high-end venues that might be off my radar. Visited Patrick Guilbaud last time I was in town, and while it was rather good, I was not blown away. Is there anything I really need to check out? I've read most of the other Dublin related threads, but most of them are rather old, or I already visited the mentioned places. Fresh input would be highly appreciated. Also, good quality pub food tips would be very welcome. Thanks!
  5. Damn! Forgot to apply this year due to buying a house and all the hassle that comes with it. Oh well, there's 2011 to look forward to... Or being very, very lucky coming May when I'm in the area... Just wondering, what will happen with their Michelin stars when they close for two years? Taken away? Frozen till they reopen? Anyone?
  6. Ah, thanks for that!
  7. Taking about reservations: anyone knows when they start taking requests for the new season? Input would be appreciated.
  8. De Eekhoorn on Kinkerstraat is a fantastic little shop with great service and a wide selection in wine, port, cognac, whisky, etc. Highly recommended.
  9. For beer go to Brouwerij 't IJ: http://www.brouwerijhetij.nl/eng/index.html Fantastic place. Open every day from 15.00 til 20.00. All the beers are organic and home brewed.
  10. Not a review, but two classic tips for people who haven't been there. Can't imagine, but hey, what can I say. First, Chez Georges at Herenstraat. It's a French-Belgian place. It looks classic, it is classic. Service good and friendly. Excellent wine list! Chef cooks with lots of butter and cream, so this a place you would want to avoid if you are one a diet. It's better for comfort food when it's getting cold. Some say it's not original, that the menu never changes, and while that maybe true, I find Chez Georges an unpretencious restaurant where the ingredients are cooked perfect. Always busy, so reserve some time before. Second, Le Hollandais at Amsteldijk. Simple, robust food, great and affordable wines. I've heard complaints about the interior being to light and modern. I've also heard that some guest find the service lacking attention, focusing on regulars more. Well, I must disagree. I like being able to see what's on my plate. End of story. When we went there the first time, we were constantly offered free small dishes, small tastings of wine. In the end had some excellent, also free, marc de chateau neuf du pape when we had a drink with wait staff and the chef after service. The two women who work the tables really open up if you ask them about wines and the food. I recommend the place highly.
  11. Well, I have been to De Kas (couple of years ago) after they had a raving review of Van Dam and I found the place very, very good. Same goes for Van Vlaanderen and A Tavola. So, it depends. Sometimes a restaurant can't cope with the sudden rush of people flocking there, most of them expecting high quality.
  12. Hmm. I will give Orontes West a try this weekend, maybe. Will report if I do. Has anybody been to Open at Westerdoksplein? Was there two weeks ago. The food was okay, service pretty nice, the wine acceptable, but in the end I wasn't blown away. Paid 130 euros plus 20 euros tip for two, which seemed a bit too much. Lobster was offered outside the menu and everybody in the restaurant was eating it (saw it on the plates while we waited for our nine o'clock table). When we were seated we were told it was gone. No worries, though I wouldn't minded lobster for dinner. But when were having coffee I found it a bit strange to see the personnel eating lobster right in front of us. The steak tartare though (always on the menu, as far as I am aware) was very tasty, as were the desserts. It's a good place for just a main, or maybe two, three half portions of starters and a glass of wine, but it's really not the destination place for a multi course meal with a selection of wines, like we did, I think.
  13. I agree wih Markemorse on the whole fresh thing. Seems wrong. When I lived in Barcelona, Barceloneta to be precise, one of the poorest areas, but with a vibrant restaurant and tapas culture, one could get the best fish, clams and shellfish for a dirt cheap price at the market or at a small eating house. Good times... Oh well... Haven't been to Kagetsu. Would like to hear who has been. On another note: heard good things about the fresh stuff Andalusia offer at Van Woustraat, but reviews at Iens are rather poor. Seems the Johannes van Dam curse (the most important restaurant reviewer in Amsterdam) has striked again...
  14. Ouch... That's insane. Medi-Ya at Beethovenstraat in Oud-Zuid used to be good for take-out. Haven't been there for quit some time, so not sure if it's still up to standards. Also, Kaiko at Jekerstraat in Rivierenbuurt was pretty nice. And loads of Japanese there. Again, haven't been there for a long time (lived in Barcelona for two years, and when coming back, moved to another part of Amsterdam). EDIT Got the name for Kaiko wrong, sorry.
  15. Best sushi in town is probably served at the Okura Hotel, Ferdinand Bolstraat in De Pijp. EDIT: The restaurant, there are four, all of them really good, is Yamazato. They have their own website: http://www.yamazato.nl/
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