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  1. So any suggestions for traditional spanish food anyone? New yrs is not far away so would really like to get the bookings done... Thanks again
  2. Thanks for that. The other option (especially since my mum would probably prefer it) would be to go to a place which has really good, traditional food. Doesnt have to be fine dining, but pretty nice, and hopefully with a great atmosphere etc, especially since it would be for new years eve. Can anyone recommend a place like this? All the other suggestions have been great and i will be visiting at least one of them (probably santceloni) but if any of u could recommend a place like what i described above i would really appreciate it.
  3. Ah ok it's beginning to make more sense to me now! Thanks! I am going to be with my parents and my brother. My dad is very adventurous, my mum not very adventurous, and my brother is in the middle of them. I am very adventurous. Because of my mum especially, would u recommend that we go to perhaps santceloni instead of La Terraza or La Broche? Or do u think it would be ok for them?
  4. Ok. And what about either La Broche or La Terraza del Casino? What are your opinions of these 2?
  5. Ok thanks for yr suggestions. What sort of cuisine do Santceloni and Viridiana serve?
  6. Hi Everyone, was great to come across a forum like this! Im going to be in Barcelona from 19th-28th December and Madrid from 28th Dec til 5 January. There will be 4 of us in total. Can anyone please recommend a really great restaurant for New Years Eve? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
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