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    Rio de Janeiro
  1. Thanks for the write-ups. I'm going to Japan in two weeks, they will be very helpful!
  2. Can Roca is a must. In many ways as rewarding as going to El Bulli. Can Fabes is also very good, but I found Can Roca more exciting.
  3. I've been to Seville earlier this month, and would like to report that we had a very nice (two in fact) lunch at Az Zait. This is a Bibi in the Michelin 2009. It feels like a one star with a lesser price (not cheap, but good price for what it is). It is modern style cuisine with some creativity and innovation but it never jumps overboard. The chef takes care of you personally and is attentive without being intrusive. Good service. The fact that we came back is telling. Worth to go. It is near the Museo de Bellas Artes. Plaza San Lorenzo 1.
  4. Yes, there were some reports on Seville forum, but I believe it deserved its own. At least I managed to get to El Bulli last year...
  5. mdbasile, As you can see from my posts, I had a wonderful time in La Pergola. After almost two years when I think back about the best restaurants I've been to, and think "best lamb", "best foies", "best dessert", La Pergola is among the top and the Foies Gras and desserts never leave my mind. So, if you are not going with the tasting menu and love Foies Gras do go for it (if it is still in the menu): Duck liver escalope caramelized in balsamic vinegar on lemon foam with mint ice-crush. BTW I'm glad they are renovating! Keep us posted.
  6. Hi, reporting my dinner at La Alqueria. They had a renovation. I don't know how it looked like before, but it is pretty charming now with an air of Hacienda. They also changed the concept of the restaurant. Now they don't serve an assortment of old El Bulli dishes. They still have some of them in the menu, but the major part are new creations by Adriá, taking local produce into consideration. It seems products are more into consideration now (as well in El Bulli) than in previous years as opposed to things "invented" that taste like something else, I guess. The number of courses also diminished, with bigger portions. You can check the difference in the menus in the links below (I don't know for how long as I don't know the best place to upload pictures as I don't have a blog). Old Menu: http://rapidshare.com/files/238176972/La_A...antigo.jpg.html New Menu in May 09: http://rapidshare.com/files/238176973/La_A...090507.jpg.html I still don't know if this new concept is better or not. In El Bulli last year I thought that although it was great to taste so many different things, it was impossible to be outstanding with 35 courses or so, and when there was something exceptional there was not enough food to savor and imprint the tastes in your memory/palate. But then again you have the opportunity to taste lots of dishes and there were amazing things, oh yes. I thought that in Alqueria, as it was a selection of past El Bulli dishes (with no obligation to change every course every year as there is in El Bulli) there would be even a few more outstanding courses. But it seems I lost that incarnation of Alqueria. On the other hand, as it is now, it addresses my consideration above and the outstanding dishes can be appreciated more. And to me (us all in the table, in fact) there were two of those: - Gnochis de polenta: I normally am not very fond of polentas, but this is another experience completely. No taste of corn, they put some coffee over the gnochi, and some more things that I can't remember. We are still amazed how a "gnochi" can taste. They served us four gnochis each. It should have been fourteen! - Pan Ingles de chocolate blanco - boy, this is awesome. Something like "air" of white chocolate with yogurt powder over it, colder in temperature. The attendant asked us to eat fast to appreciate it more (before it dissolved, perhaps?). She didn't have to ask twice. My parents who joined me and my wife and are not used to go to these "modern" restaurants couldn't believe it. It felt almost like there was nothing in the mouth except the flavors (my dad kept saying "it does not exist, unreal")... Rest of the meal was pretty good as well, with Gambas and the Rabbit (conejo) more notable, as well as the Sabayon de rosas, the first dessert. All in all, it was great. Just for the sake of reference, I would compare it more to an evening at Can Roca now than El Bulli in terms of concept, number of courses, and "type" of satisfaction. A little more traditional with some great innovations.
  7. Going to Cuba next week. Anything new on the restaurant front? I believe the post above is still current, but are the others from 2002 still good? Any "Paladar" recommendation? Thanks.
  8. Note taken on my Calendar. Thanks.
  9. Will do that. Thanks.
  10. Thanks so much, Pork Belly and Olivier for your answers and clarification on type of food. Exactly the advice I was looking for. I couldn't thank before as I had no internet for the last two days. I'll then do lunch at Rue de Balzac. One last question: Is it totally necessary to make a reservation or lunch is more walk-in?
  11. Some advice, please: Going to Paris in May and really curious to experiment Gagnaire, but at this point I am not sure if I will be willing to spend over EUR 500 for two for dinner at his main restaurant. My doubt is what is a better way to experiment his food: 1- have the lunch fixed menu (90 Eur/person) at Rue de Balzac (how many courses would I get including amouses?) 2- Dinner at Gaya (meaning for the same price as #1 can I have a similar or better/wider selection and experience) 3- Lunch at Gaya (so I first see if I like his type of food, which I assume I will as I am very fond of this experimentation trend such as Can Roca's food and El Bulli) I thank you for any clarification and correction in terms of cost.
  12. I've been to El Bulli last year. My "dream come true" would be to have Bulli's classics thus my question about the "special" tasting menu. But from your posts I guess that's just a dream...
  13. Sure, it was mentioned, but within other restaurant's threads. It seems that non-guests of the hotel can only do the Tasting. Thanks for confirming/expanding the info I had. Just wanted to make sure I was not missing anything.
  14. I am going in May, and I've read somewhere that one can order a "special" tasting menu when making the reservation that is bigger than the official tasting. Is this correct? Anyone confirms? I tried that through e-mail, but got the answer that there is the regular tasting menu only. Also, for its fame, I thought curious there is no thread on this restaurant, no photos, maybe it can be started now (I just found some comments here and there on the forum). Thanks.
  15. The to my taste excellent desert with truffles was at Patina, although I mentioned that I thought Providence was the most consistent meal. My dinner at Patina was on January 18 as mentioned above, thus their truffles, I guess. If Tupac was referring to the truffled course at Providence in August, I believe they used Summer Truffles - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuber_(genus)#Summer_truffle. I hope Ulterior Epicure was not mislead (BTW the desert he mentioned seems really good). Although I agree with his conclusion. If I had to recommend one of these restaurants to try first, it would be Providence. But of course it is never too much to remind that this is all very personal (including my reaction to the mentioned desert). After all, my business is to make films... I remember, for instance, Kai-m (who I greet back) and I have had very different impressions from La Pergola in Rome which still has a very fond place in my gourmet journeys even after going to more renowned restaurants. And I mention this for no argumentative reason, just as a proviso. Hope this clarifies. And warns!
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