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  1. Le Lectier? Here are some pics here http://www.nature-farm.com/fruit_lectier.html In Niigata, two Western varieties are grown, La France and Le Lectier. Thanks for the compliment. I like sasa dango, too, expecially the flavor of those bamboo leaves. Just out of curiosity, Nikkeijin is 日経人? ←
  2. Hi folks, I'm new here, but I feel it's impossible to talk about Niigata specialities w/out mentioning "sasa-dango"! I just love the smell and taste of that snack. It always brings back childhood memories... And speaking of pears, there's a pear I tasted a few winters ago in Niigata that was so good and sweet, but I don't know what variety it was. It was yellow, shaped more like a European pear, and individually wrapped in clear cellophane. Sorry, I can't find a picture of it. Hiroyuki, I'm glad to hear you and your family is okay. I'm really impressed w/ your knowledge of food and your English!
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