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Everything posted by RBloom03

  1. My husband says I captured his heart when I made him pizza bagels -- bagels, canned pizza sauce, and mozza. He choked his way through the next meal (cube steaks, mashed potatoes) in hopes that I'd make pizza bagels again!!
  2. Chocolate (Cusina beat me to it)
  3. Your daughter was so lucky to have a good dentist! "Find Stephanie's broken tooth" was an easy game in my family because of the odd shape and color. About a month before my wedding a few years ago, I finally upgraded. Now my dentist's partner can't even tell which tooth is half fake!
  4. * First food memory: I was in 3rd grade, older sister in 6th. We decided to make dinner – texas hash (combo of canned diced tomatoes, rice, and ground beef) and cake (boxed yellow with my Mom’s recipe for chocolate frosting). The food itself wasn’t spectacular, it was the clean-up that makes me remember everything about that meal. I was unmercifully teasing my sister while we were doing the dishes. She decided to shove me across the room and into the opposite wall. Of course I was laughing the whole time, until my front tooth hit the wall before the rest of my body. As I spit out the plaster that had chipped off the wall into my mouth (old house = no dry wall), I also spit out half my tooth. I’ve been paying for it ever since (dental bills are expensive!), but can’t help but laugh every time I think about texas hash! * Food I remember hating: HAM! I’ve always hated ham. When I was 10, my Mom made an awful ham casserole that I was forced to finish. That night, I got the stomach flu - I’ll spare you the details - and was convinced that I got the flu from the ham. To this day, I still don’t eat ham. * Food I associate with a particular age: My entire life leading up to college – cookies. My Mom constantly baked cookies. There were always a few jars full. I also fondly remember (and miss!) the smell of dinner cooking when I walked in the door after school. I certainly didn’t appreciate what I had in a stay-at-home Mom until I left home. College – (1) Taco Bell, the cheapest food station in the cafeteria; (2) Otis Spunkmyer cookies in the cafe; and (3) Stefani’s Restaurant in Chicago, the first place I ever spent more than $10 on a meal. Oh, and vodka, but I don’t know if that counts. * Favorite person growing up: When I think of my younger brother and food, two things come to mind at the same time: (1) cottage cheese – even at 19, he still eats cottage cheese with every mean, even holiday dinners, and (2) Gerber baby food bananas – this was a daily snack for him until he was a teen.
  5. I must agree with jglazer75. I went to the Wheeling location about a year and a half ago. I could grill steaks on my Weber and get better results for much less money. Not to mention the service was quite bad, so much so that I filled out a comment card (not something I typically do) and handed it to the hostess.
  6. Ham -- must my family have it for both Christmas AND Easter?!
  7. My family’s Christmas traditions have been the same since I can remember, even though all the “children” are now in their 20s and 30s. We all gather at my parents’ house on Christmas Eve for a Thanksgiving style feast and to drink a lot of wine. Everyone spends the night so that on Christmas morning we can wake up early to exchange gifts and have a made-to-order omelet breakfast before heading home or to the in-laws. I would include non-food related traditions as well, but my entire family likes to focus all visits (holiday or not!) on food...
  8. Since we already had furniture, TV, stereo, etc in our family room, my husband and I decided to turn our living room into a bar - complete with L-shaped bar, pinball machine, dart board, and a second refrigerator. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) it's so full of beer that there is no room for anything else. And the freezer is full of ice for those days when beer just won't cut it.
  9. Most definitely can't live without: sharp cheddar edam feta
  10. One evening when I got home from a steak dinner, I happend to check the container and found that only the steak had been wrapped - not the onions or red wine sauce that came with it. I immediately called the restaurant and spoke with the GM. A few days later I received a $50 gift certificate in the mail.
  11. I'm familiar with this, too! On Thanksgiving, just as I was pulling everything together (in my mind, the most important 30 minutes of Thanksgiving!), my two sisters, brother, husband, and Dad decided to all stand RIGHT behind me, watching me work. I had to stop, turn, point to a line in the floor and tell them that no one but my mother was allowed beyond that line (she's in charge of gravy). They all slowly moved to the other side of the line and stood there, watching.
  12. Thanks to both of you for the advice. It's funny that you mentioned CIA's The Professional Chef and Larousse Gastronomique because both are on my Amazon wish list. Before I spend that much on a book though (or ask someone to spend that much on a book), I like to actually have it in my hands to review, so I will continue searching bookstores for live copies of all of your suggestions before making a decision. Thanks again!
  13. Malawry: Would you recommend On Cooking for chef-wannabes to use at home? My parents have already asked for gift ideas for the holidays and this book immediately came to mind. Thanks!
  14. Ham due to a not so great casserole by Mom on the same night I came down with the stomach flu. To this day I swear it was the ham.
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