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  1. Thank you very much for your information ! Your recipe sounds the best of any i have been given or found. Since heating lemon juice in a cast iron skillet is supposed to boost the iron you absorb by 2,000 % (Preventin.com) i can only surmise that this mixture is also a health drink !!! It is also nice to know a little bit about the origin of the liquor. In Wyoming the formal means of imbibing this recipe was the passing around of a bottle at room temperature for each to take a swig. Also this liquor was a well known anti-freeze for the sheepherder watching his flock in the Big Horn Mountains. Served warm would also be very nice i am sure. Thanks again for your help.
  2. Thank you for the input, i was able to find a very similiar recipe doing a search under Krupnik. It calls for honey; which would certainly reduce the challenge posed by perfectly carmelizing sugar and adding liquids to the carmelized sugar. A contact at a Polish/American club said the spirit was called Warzonka. However so far any searches have only pulled up recipes in Polish which i cannot translate.
  3. Good day to you all. I am searching for a recipe once enjoyed by my family. We are originally from Wyoming, which has a large Polish population in the northern areas. Some of our friends make a drink called Vashinka ? (bad spelling) It is made with caramelized sugar in a cast iron skillet with clove and cinnamon added for flavor. At some point Everclear and water are added. The product is usually bottled with a cinnamon stick inside. Does anyone have the correct spelling and possibly a recipe ? I would love to be able to continue the tradition in my own family. Any help much appreciated. Thank-you,
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