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  1. I don't think I was clear in my previous post. I really don't like the wine made at Crossing Vineyards at all. I haven't found any wine made in NJ or PA that I can even get down let alone enjoy. I've been to many of the local vineyards and just can't get past the whole idea of NJ or PA terroir for growing grapes good enough to make palatable wines from. The absolute worst of the lot was Cape May Vineyards. It was really awful stuff. What made it weird is that I was sampling wines in the winemakers house and tried really hard not to offend him. It was just foul, really bad. ← Ditto for Renault Winery. Went there last year with some friends for a weekend getaway. We left Renault and got away to Cape May to drink because the Renault wine is so god-awful bad.
  2. In Hamilton, there's 130 South see website 130 South I have to add that although I've not been there yet, I know the owners. Several friends who have already been there have given it good reviews.
  3. I too never conversed with Bux personally, but enjoyed reading his posts. His stick figure table avatar was recognizable as a frequent poster. RIP and my condolences to his family and many friends.
  4. I happened to be in my own kitchen Sunday morning, down at the Jersey shore, when I heard your name with the title "food critic" in front of it coming from my TV. Sure 'nuff, there you were, right there in my living room, talking to me about the safety of fast food. As my hubby and kids don't really care too much about my egullet membership, they didn't share my enthusiasm over seeing Steven Shaw on GMA. My teenage daughter, who happens to love Taco Bell, wanted me to get a personal assurance from you that she won't get sick the next time she eats there. And she will eat there again-without a doubt. Nice job, Fat Guy.
  5. Kris, Interesting that you should say that your salads were at the end of your meal. My hubby and I were just out this weekend at a wine tasting in Southern New Jersey (a whole 'nother topic about their crappy wine!) and they served dinner "European" style with salad at the end. My hubby is second generation from Naples and he had never heard of it before, nor has my MIL. Fortunately, they plated the salad separately, because I could have never eaten it if it were on the same plate that just held my dinner. I agree with you completely about that! BTW, my MIL said that she always had salad WITH the meal growing up - served as a side dish, not on the same plate as dinner.
  6. Tommy Rockafellas at 15 Inlet Drive is also a good casual choice. Bar downstairs and with the new no smoking rule it's on my list again. Have fun and don't forget your sunscreen! P.S. If you're on the boardwalk and you see a Howard Stern lookalike working at the games, tell him his mom said to stand up straight and push the hair out of his eyes.
  8. I'm headed to the Wegmans in Woodbridge tomorrow, hopefully they have the Salmon too. ← Wegmans in Woodbridge had CRS for $18.99/lb. I asked why the Manalapan store had a different price, counter guy said each store sets its own prices, probably the Manalapan store was running a special. I found that odd. By the way, the salmon looked beautiful I'm not home to cook this weekend so didn't buy any - maybe during the week I'll stop by and pick up some.
  9. I'm headed to the Wegmans in Woodbridge tomorrow, hopefully they have the Salmon too.
  10. What size portion to chef's normally plate for an individual serving? At $23 a pound at WF, the average customer would probably purchase about a pound for a 2 serving. I would think that restaurants get a better price from their fish mongers. I will admit I'm not a huge fan of Doris & Ed's, and the $37 price tag seems a bit high to me. I'd rather go for the three course tasting menu at Nicholas for $55 even though the Copper River Salmon isn't on the menu. Nicholas menu
  11. Yowza! $37! Doris & Ed's menu
  12. Kim, I agree about the steak thing while at the beach. I really don't order it much when I'm away from the shore, but definitely not at the beach. That being said, his fish selection didn't blow me away. By the way, I also passed his placed on Arnold Ave on Friday evening and noticed that it was dark. I'm not sure if it's closed or if he just has not opened yet for the season. I've tried it twice and wasn't impressed either time. I guess you can say that I'm not a big Foy fan. That's ok I guess because other people seem to be, so he won't be losing any sleep over my opinion.
  13. Had the chance spur of the moment to visit Bay Point Prime – Foy’s BYO steak place last Friday night. I think because of the rain the crowds stayed away so we were able to get in without a problem around 7:00. Hubby, daughter and I walked in with about 4 tables occupied and hostess asked us for our name. Looking at her list, where every name on it was already crossed off, we said we didn’t have a reservation, but though that we would take a chance and stop in. She turns to look at the restaurant, then back at her list, then seats us right in front of the open doors leading out to the patio. Open doors – it’s about 65° out and windy. We ask her if we can either have the doors closed or move our table to one of the many other open tables on the floor. She closes the doors and down we sit. Menu is pretty small – half dozen appys and entrees. Entrees are a mixed bag of seafood and meat – a sirloin and rack of lamb as well as a salmon and red snapper. For appys we decided on two lobster bisques and a baby lettuce salad with apple vinaigrette. Soup is really good – salad seemed to be missing the apple vinaigrette however. Hubby asks server about the lack of dressing, and server tells us that’s the way it’s served. Oh well. For entrees hubby and I order slow roasted red snapper with broccolirabe. Daughter orders mac and cheese from the side dishes along with one of the specials, fettuccini with veal bolognese sauce (she’s the pasta queen). Red snapper was unremarkable – daughter proclaimed the mac and cheese excellent and the fettuccini just ok. Passed on dessert, but had coffee. With tip for the three of us - $135. It took us 25 minutes from the time we requested the check until the time it was presented to us. Hubby and I were polishing off our wine, but teenage daughter was itching to leave. During that time, Dennis Foy was walking around talking to customers. He seemed to be stopping by regulars tables, judging from the conversations. Restaurant at this point, about 9:00, only had about 3-4 tables open. Restaurant is located at 1805 Ocean Avenue in Point Pleasant Beach. It’s at the very southern end of Ocean Ave, on the PPB/Bayhead border. In its place a few years ago was an Italian restaurant that didn’t last too long. BBP now has full yellow shutters covering the front of the restaurant – you might almost think that the place was closed. Entrance is on the side from the parking lot – that is a great feature because street parking is so hard to come by there. Definitely an “older” crowd there, not a family type atmosphere which is a nice break from the typical PPB restaurants. It’s about an 80-90 seat restaurant but I’m sure it fills up during the season.
  14. OK - I see that there are already several kid stories here, but I've just got to add mine. One lovely Sunday afternoon in the summer hubby, me and two kids headed for a ride to the Jersey Shore. Son was about 5- daughter about 3. Daughter seemed a little "off" that morning, but nothing I could quite put my finger on (you moms out there know what I mean). Anyways, after strolling on the boardwalk and having some cotton candy and zeppoles, we settle into a family diner for dinner and are seated at a booth. Said daughter is in a booster seat, but seems to be getting ansy. Before dinner arrives I pick her up and am holding her chest to chest so that she is facing the booth in back of me (you know where I'm going with this, right?). As I feel the rumble in her belly start and I turn to look at her, she is spewing forth the most vile concoction of digested pink cotton candy and zeppoles on the back of the gentlemen that is sitting behind me. I say gentlemen here literally. He was the nicest man I have ever met in my life. He simply took off his shirt and sat for the rest of his meal in his undershirt. Not once did he seem upset or raise his voice. Hubby and I paid for their dinner. I would have paid off the mortgage on his house if I could have. Daughter was fine after spewing, and even blew him kisses.
  15. Hi Tommy - I just happen to be headed down to PPB tomorrow to see the Soul Cruisers at Martells - a good start to the summer! Can't really say if there's anything new food or booze wise even though I was down a few times this past winter. Tardi's on Bay is one of my favorites for a Friday night dinner and they have never let me down. Even during the winter, though, they can still get crowded, so I'll get my fill in now before the summer season is in full swing and I can't get anywhere near the place. As jsfein says below, Surf Taco is also a hit. My kids love it there and it is much better than me having to make them lunch or dinner over the weekends - of course I'm too busy at the Tiki Bar then! I wanted to try Foy's steak place but haven't gotten there yet. Maybe within the next few weeks. And yes, Red's is still there.
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