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Peter Horowitz

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Everything posted by Peter Horowitz

  1. Does Bofinger have a smoker?
  2. yeah, Liberty is the best you'll find around here. If we were in NYC, there's a few places that make their own.....we're too lazy here.
  3. I had read about it and wanted to try it, seeing as James MacGuire consulted on the crust and the guy actually went to Naples to learn how to make pizza. But . . . I now hear the lineups are crazy and I won't wait in line for pizza. I also wonder of the quality will be any less due to the increase in business - I would hope the owners are realistic about considering how many high-quality pies they can turn out per hour (or day) without sacrificing quality. For now I will make my own . . . and wait until the hype simmers down or they open for lunch.
  4. I recently had some Valbert Vieux, produced by the Lehman family in Hebertville. It's a firm, washed-rind cheese inspired by Swiss Jura, and is aged for six months. I liked it, but it was not as good as the 3-year Comte that we had used as a reference with our Hamel cheesemonnger. I've decided to try to buy more Quebec cheese as I don't feel the need to fly pieces of cheese halfway around the world if something just as good is made right here. I've been using the "fromagesduquebec.qc.ca" website to decide what to try next, and I also ask at Hamel.
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