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Posts posted by themicrocosm

  1. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Unfortunately, Urasawa is way too expensive for us. I've also heard that there is sushi in L.A. that is just as good for half the price. What's the best affordable sushi in L.A.? By affordable, I mean maybe 75-100 per person as opposed to 300 per person. Mellisse and Providence seem really nice too but also seem a bit expensive for us. It seems like most of the notable fine dining spots in L.A. are that expensive, whereas in Chicago a lot of the best fine dining is way more affordable. Jitlada sounds great. I lived/worked in Thailand for a while and haven't been to a good southern thai place in the states so I'm curious to see what its like here. Keep the recommendations coming, I appreciate all the suggestions!

  2. Me and my girlfriend are taking a trip to L.A. from Chicago and are trying to plan out each meal because we're so short on time. We have 4 nights in L.A., and one in the Santa Ynez Valley. So far, I'm thinking Gjelina for dinner one night, dinner at Los Olivos in Santa Ynez (root 246 is closed the two days I'll be there) lunch at Kogibbw.com, and dinner at The Bazaar. Where else do I need to try? I know it's not too specific, but I'm ok with fine dining, tiny authentic ethnic spots, high-end sushi, whatever. What places should I not leave L.A. without trying? I've looked on the board and seen some recommendations (its how I found out about Gjelina) but I'd like some more up to date suggestions. Thanks so much!

  3. I ate the 10 course with a large party several weeks ago. I don't have the menu at hand so I'll suffice to say that it was one of the best fine dining meals I've had in Chicago, comparable only to Schwa and Alinea. Service was impeccable, and the timing of the courses was flawless. With many many wines, the price was about $400.00 per person. I'm not sure how much it would be with less pricy bottles...probably significantly less. I would say overall I prefered both Schwa and Alinea, both for the food, as well as the environments, but it is definetely up there with the best.

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