Its true, snackbar just recently recieved a liquor liscence, the first few days were more of an extended soft opening as a byob and abreviated menu. As with any opening there are always some things to figure out. I know they're still discussing how they will work out a "waiting for a table" plan. With a restaurant that size and the style of food they're doing its going to take some time to figure out, but I'm sure they'll do a good job of it. I know one thing for sure, it will be tough to get a table during prime dining time, sinse they'll be pretty much packed on a regular basis. The good thing is they'll be serving earlier and later than most places, so there'll be a larger window to get a table. I'm really excited about this place, I was able to try the food and talk a bunch with the owners, it was a great experience. There is something for everyone. Each dish I had was very well thought out. They look simple, and they are, but you can definitely tell how much thought and preparation went into each one. If you see something on the menu that you haven't eaten before I would definitely try it there, not only because it'll be well prepared , but also its not going to be a huge entree or cost you a lot. Any way, yes there a few kinks but I think they're very passionate about making it as perfect as possible, I really hope they nail it. I cant imagine what it'll be like if they start to do brunch.