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  1. A heartbreak to be sure.
  2. hunter s. thompson and dorothy parker? with bourdain? may i join you? Oscar Wilde is another i would love to dine with, perhaps accompanied by chopin and catherine hepburn (an interesting mix to be sure). but most of all, i think i would like to cook for the first chef i ever fell in love with, to show him all i have learned since then.
  3. ditto on Patatouch for espresso. for a true cup of coffee the best mug is served at Pulp Kitchen on Queen near Pape. i've never had the espresso but thier shade grown organic coffee is freshly roasted, freshly ground, freshly brewed and without it's equal in my experience. and their brunch menu is lovely.
  4. Enid

    Why I Cook

    a delectably unconventional tale. i look forward to more. and it's totaly a Toad in the hole.
  5. thank you for sharing this facinating tale. it's funny the things that matter the most in life. the making and sharing of food is just one of those things. so simple and so meaningful.
  6. Almost forgot, here's the info for Opus Opus 37 Prince Arthur Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 1B2 Phone: 416-921-3105
  7. I second the vote for Scaramouch, but the dining room can sometimes be stuffy. if you are looking for a wine experience i would also recommend Opus. as SYoung mentioned the film festival will be in full swing friday night and Opus is a celebrity hotspot but if you can get in then do. the food is impeccable and the wine list is 2,200 deep with a cellar of 35,000. there are some true gems tucked away in the dizzying bound book of wine and if you ask Tony (one of the two borthers who own and manage the joint) there are a few more that only he will know about. cheers
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