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Everything posted by BigFeaster

  1. I've recently been broadening my understanding of beer, especially seasonal beers to try and get the freshest and the best. I just came across this list of ten recommended fall-time beers. I've resolved to try them all, starting probably with the Abbey Brown Ale, if I can find it. So I'll put it to the experts and to the egullet community-- Does this list cut it? I'm sure some of you have suggestions for other, perhaps less known of seasonal fall brews. What are they? http://www.novusvinum.com/beer/features/top10fall_beers.html
  2. Thanks y'all. I love this idea of seasonal beers that come and go with a peak freshness...My mission has been set, using the summer beers list as a launching point. Anyone see any gross oversights to the list that I definitely shouldn't pass up this summer? Also, what about next "season"? Cheers!
  3. We all love beer. Who doesn't? I have my favorite staple beers like pilsner urq. and such, but i came across this seasonal beers list (I guess for summer) on novusvinum.com, a wine website of all places. Some of these look pretty good, but I have no personal experience with them nor do I know where to pick them up, either in NY or LA. Are they only available for one season? What's the best season...Can anyone tell me what's so special about these seasonals and point me to the best one and in the right direction for a store? www.novusvinum.com/beer/features/top10summer_beers.html Thanks! BigFeaster
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