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Posts posted by rodparsons

  1. Hi,

    I recently had some Limoncello at an Italian Restaurant here in Australia.

    Nice bit a bit of a kick to it. Which I liked but the girls didn't.

    The owner makes his own I was told. He distilled 3 Kg of lemons, adds sugar and grappa (Which it suppose to be in Italy).

    So since we have a tree in the back yard that has lemons the size of large grapefruits. I have derided to make some from Katie’s world renound recipe.

    A trick I am told was to put the zest in a blender and washing it out of the blender into the storage jar with 100 Proof Smirnoff Vodka.

    After one day the lemon taste is very strong in the vodka.

    I'll let you know how it goes after a week and then the next batch for a couple of weeks.

    I have numerous Italian friends waiting to tatse the first batch.

    A Russian guy at work said to distille the lemons and make the vodka too.

    I might try that later.

    An Italian lady is bringing in a recipe for me. I’ll post it when I get it.



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