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Posts posted by CoffeeMike

  1. It's not so much bad coffee, but I thought my teenage son was going to laugh his a$$ off at me that morning.

    I grind my own beans in a Capresso burr grinder. The thing is white with a clear bowl with lid on top for holding the beans. One morning, in a sleep induced haze, I pulled out the grinder, grabbed the jar of beans, and poured a heaping scoop of coffee beans into the grinder.

    Problem? Forgot to take off the domed lid. Coffee beans rained down the side of the grinder and all over the counter top, floor, everywhere. We're still finding them a month later.

  2. (First post!)

    Oh, this has been fun.

    The first goof-up that came to mind? My first time at chicken and dumplings. Great stew, made up a batch of dumpling dough and spooned the dumplings over the stew.

    Nobody told me that the dumplings would expand.

    Ten minutes or so later I had a pot that had almost sealed itself shut with expanding dough, save for a few geyser-like openings for the simmering stew to try and vent.

    The best advice I've had yet in cooking was from my mother, whom I called while trying to rescue an attempt at another chicken dish. To quote:

    "Relax - there's the trash can, there's the front door, there's the McDonald's. Now, let's see what we can do to fix this."

    -- Mike

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