I must confess that I do own a full set of Bourgeat stainless steel cookware. In my defence, we don't have All-Clad and Calphalon here (well--the shop where I bought my pans is now starting to stock All-Clad, but I bought this 2 years ago). At the time, I wasn't familiar with many European brands, and picked my pans out by looking at and picking up the selection in the shop. I've been very happy with it. It's super-heavy, foods brown well without scorching, and it's fairly easy to clean (another recommendation for BKF; I get it when I visit my parents in the States). That said (while you all laugh at my naïveté) it wasn't that much more expensive, I think, than All-Clad would have been in the US. 28cm frying pan is currently priced at £62.50 inc VAT. I've had Calphalon before and would be cautious about getting it again. Do NOT put it in the dishwasher; my mother ruined one of my saucepans that way. Do not overheat the pans, or worse, put a very hot sauté pan in cold water; it will warp and cause no end of grief on your ceramic cooktop. (My mother again. In fact, don't let my mother near your kitchen. ) My parents currently have All-Clad--not sure which series, but not copper. I've been pleased enough with it when I've used it and would seriously consider buying one of their sauté pans as the largest Bourgeat one I have is 28cm and rather deep as opposed to the shallower American ones. (Nisbets catering sell the 32cm frying pan, but 28cm appears to be the max for the sauté pans.)