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Curious what grabbed you so much about the CC entry, lauramart. I think the inari pocket they served was on their menu back in 2005/6 so didn't seem very new to me. The CC entry was new to me as I am not an adventurous eater. I am the type of person who orders the same thing off the menu every time and since I don't go to CC very often, this offering blew me away. I guess since it's free at F of F, I'll try pretty much anything whereas at a restaurant, I wouldn't want to try something new, not like it, but still have to pay for it. I never got to try the Gelato as we were saving it for last, but they were closing up when we got there.
Well, this was my third time at the Feast (first time without a hangover) and I was impressed. My two favourite stops were Rare and Cactus Club. I don't have my menu in front of me, so I can't describe tonight. Two little complaints, only because I'm a picky eater. Too many tomatoes and too much duck. I guess the restaurants don't consult with each other before hand.
Truth be told: Where've you eaten lately? (Part 3)
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Dining
Last three places I am working in Kerrisdale now, so I get to try new places out Tuesday Aug 28 - White Spot Kerrisdale - yummy burger, yummy fries - the one thing I like about White Spot is that the meal is always good Friday Aug 31 - The Red Onion - oh my god this is the best burger I have ever had!!!! Tuesday Sept 4 - Vera's - burger - pretty good for my first Vera's - I won't get salsa on it again - too messy - I wish they had jalapenos, not banana peppers Hmm, do I sense a theme here? I seriously have some ground beef addictions! -
Truth be told: Where've you eaten lately? (Part 3)
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Dining
Today I had Subway for lunch, a BLT, not bad, but I am finding that I definitely like Extreme Pita a thousand times better. Yesterday, dinner at The Boot and Sombrero in Ladner. I had the chicken fajitas, very good, love the homemade salsa. The 4 other people I was with all enjoyed their meals as well. The beef taco salad looked really good, as did the enchilada. My only complaint was that my beer wasn't that cold, but we'll blame the hot weather, not the restaurant. Yesterday lunch was Donair Spot (I think that's the name) at Granville and 70th beside the 7 11. I had the regular beef donair. Whenever I drive by this place at lunch time, the lure of the beef donair pulls me in. -
hi all it's the westham island strawberry know it all again (I'm not trying to be annoying, honest!). The reason the berries aren't as sweet this year is because of all the rain we had in June. The more sun the berries have when they're growing and ripening, the sweeter they are. As for Bissett's not spraying, no strawberry farms on Westham Island spray their berries. On Westham Island, the pests are controlled using Integrated Pest Management, basically introducing good bugs to eat the bad bugs. The crops are only sprayed when the company monitoring the bugs feels that the bad bugs are out of control. If there is spraying, they spray before there is any fruit on the plant. If you're looking for strawberries still, I suggest you get them this weekend because they will most likely be finished after that. Remember the later in the season the harder the picking, so no complaining when you get out there. I don't really go by varieties as everyone has different tastes. At my friend's farm, she grows Reliant and Rainier, if I remember correctly, and I am the only one in my family that likes the one variety. And remember, a small berry is a sweet berry.
Strawberry picking around Vancouver
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
It's that time of year again - strawberries are ready. Ellis Farms has ready picked strawberries available, and is starting U-pick on Thursday, weather permitting. They are the first u-pick stand on Westham Island. -
Strawberry picking around Vancouver
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
Some of the varieties grown around here are Rainier, Shuksan, Totem - I'm sure there are others. You would have to do an internet search to see what the differences are. Unless I have one of each in front of me, I can't tell the difference, whereas my uncle who used to grow berries, can tell by looking. This webpage describes some strawberry varieties - http://www.weeksberry.com/STRAWSP.HTML or http://www.als-gardencenter.com/Strawberry_List.htm Buyer beware: just because you are told they are one variety, doesn't mean they really are. Example - peaches and cream corn - this is just one variety of bi-coloured corn. It is not necessarily the best, but the public knows the name and associates all bi-colored corn with the words"peaches and cream", so the farmer/store tells them that's what it is, rather than explaining they have a sweeter variety called "Honey and Pearl". -
Strawberry picking around Vancouver
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
On Westham Island: First u-pick on the right hand side - Ellis Farms - U-pick and ready picked strawberries Kirkland Road on your right - Westham Island Herb Farm - ready picked strawberries, new potatoes, bedding plants, organic veggies, jellies, honey Second u-pick on the right hand side - Emma Lea Farms - u-pick and ready picked strawberries (I believe they have raspberries as well, or will have them shortly) Keep driving until you're almost at the bird sanctuary - Bissett Farms - fruit winery, and strawberries, raspberries, tayberries, etc. for sale. Across the road from Emma Lea is a farmer selling his own beef - I haven't looked into it, but if anyone is interested, pull in the driveway and honk, like his sign says. -
Strawberry picking around Vancouver
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
Berry Picking Etiquette (from someone who used to work in a berry patch and got asked these questions) 1.) Don't ask if they are local berries (look in the field in front of you, can they get any more local?) 2.) Don't ask if the berries have dirt on them, or if the field is dirty. You probably don't want to wear white to pick berries in a field. 3.) Don't ask if you can bring your pet in. They trample plants and urinate on a product that is being sold for eating. 4.) Don't ask if the berries are sweet. With all the berry farms competing for a small u-pick market, do you think they'd grow berries that weren't sweet? 5.) If you have containers, bring them with you. All the places I know will weigh your empty container and deduct the weight off when you go to pay, so that you are not paying for the container. 6.) Do ask if they have sprayed their berries. You should be informed about what you are putting in your body. 7.) Don't put your berries in plastic bags for the trip home in the car. Mmmm, sweaty, squishy berries - very appealing. Also, don't wash your berries until right before you're going to eat them. Get home and get them refrigerated. 8.) Bring cash - most places don't have the facilities to run a credit card/interac machine to the field. 9.) Listen to the employee. If they tell you to pick in a certain row, they are trying to be helpful and give you a row that hasn't been picked in the last few days. They know what has been picked and what hasn't. I don't understand these places that tell you to pick wherever you want. Talk about a waste of berries. Speaking of waste, pick all the berries in your row, even the small ones. Throw the rotten ones to the side. 10.) Be polite to other pickers. There are lots of berries, no need to fight. 11.) Would you take your kids to the store and feed them the food in the store while you were shopping? Then why do it in a berry patch? Hey, I'm all for sampling to see how good they taste, but when 4 people in a family go out for 20 minutes and come back in with 10 strawberries (yes it has happened), I get a little mad. Pick them, weigh them, pay for them, then eat them. Just like any other store. 12.) Don't say - "I could get these cheaper at "Chain Grocery Store". Yes you could get them cheaper, because they buy thousands of pounds at a time at a discount, or they are selling them as a loss-leader to get you into the store, or they're Californian (don't get me started on that - why sell Cali berries during local season?). Get out and support your local farmers, people, or one day we'll depend on the US for all our fruits and vegetables. Wow, all this reminiscing about my days as a U-pick cashier has really made me sound bitter, so last of all... 12.) Enjoy your day outside and be thankful we have beautiful yummy berries so close to us. Feel good for supporting a small local farmer. Feel good for getting out in the sunshine and off the couch. Feel good that for the next few months we have so many local seasonal fruits and vegetables to enjoy. I couldn't imagine living in a place with 12 months a year of California strawberries. I hope this isn't too off topic. Is there a "Bitter Ex-Produce Worker Forum" that I could contribute to? First item - don't wet your hair in the sprinklers in the lettuce section (yes, it has happened). -
Strawberry picking around Vancouver
lauramart replied to a topic in Western Canada: Cooking & Baking
Ellis Farms is the first u-pick on the right hand side on Westham Island. Their U-Pick will be open this weekend, 8am to 8pm. Call ahead if it is raining - 604-946-4393. Once you leave the u-pick field, hang a right and take the 1st right (Kirkland Road). The Westham Island Herb Farm is located on the right hand side. They have fresh new potatoes, ready picked strawberries, bedding plants, herbs and unique gift ideas. And remember just because a berry is small doesn't mean it isn't sweet. Usually they're the sweeter ones. -
Questionable clientele??? In Ladner??? You don't say.
Although I am sad to see Uncle Herbert's go (their clam chowder was to die for), I am very excited to hear through the rumour mill that Ladner is getting a Mexican restaurant. It is supposedly from the same people who owned Carlos and Bud's under the Granville Street Bridge. Can anyone verify this? Something new in Ladner - yay! I am getting tired of the pub food there.