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Chris Owens

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Posts posted by Chris Owens

  1. Definitely check out the grocery stores. Prices are usually competitive and the selections are pretty good. Bajans like good rum and there are a number of things you'll find that aren't exported 1639 is one.

    Also look for Old Brigand, Doorly's 5 year old and Mount Gay sugar cane brandy, it's sold as sugar cane rum in other markets. This one isn't their best, but it's good rum on the rocks.

    You'll also find flying fish to whet your appetite for some see-through, EASF white rum with sea moss.


  2. Large diameter on-the-rocks glass. Provides enough room for the aroma to accumulate, but doesn't concentrate it too much.

    I've tried snifters -- they concentrate the aroma, and the raw alcohol fumes, way too much for my taste -- good for clearing sinuses and removing excess nose hair, I suppose, but not for enjoying the rum. Same with big balloon-shaped red wine glasses.

  3. Anyone with experience with River Antoine from Grenada? Having read descriptions of it, I ought in theory to love it -- I'm willing to put up with pretty rough tasting fluids in order to experience something distinctive and authentic. So I bought a bottle. But I just can't choke it down -- strong sulfur / molasses taste, quite a bit of acidity, and some smoke.

    Is there more than one rum produced, labeled "River Antoine?" Did I get an off bottle, or a Rivers bottle that the rumshop had refilled with something else? Or am I simply "all talk" when it comes to trying funkier, more distinctive rums?

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