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  1. We will be visiting the area on thanksgiving any will appreciate any recommendations on where to eat. traditional not necessary. where are there price fixed menus?
  2. There is a new caribbean place that opened on 3rd or 4th and 1 block off the boardwalk. Tasty jerk chicken and very nice people. Also liked the trio of patties. It's a nice sit down restaurant. For OC it's highly recommended. But do not try BYOB in OC, it really is a dry town and no one will allow booze. I also suggest Tomato's in Ventnor. Expensive but the food is good. A bit of a scene after 10 PM.
  3. The Ironbound is on the way from the airport and certainly worth a visit. Typical Portuguese food, which means huge portions, and the neighborhood is unique. Rutherford is no more than 10 minutes from where you will be and there is a large selection of places to choose from. Unfortunately Mexican is not one of them. I wouldn't recommend Fiesta Hut. Typical American Mexican, or probably Canadian Mexican, just lots of melted cheese on everything. Park and Orchard has a reknown wine list and is worth it if that's your thing. The food is acceptable. Wondee's is terrific but it is a 20-25 minute ride. My recommendation in Rutherford is Sabor Peru. Not fancy, not expensive but really good food. The best cerviche I have ever eaten. And Cafe Matisse is a wonderful place. It will run about $60 without wine, they have a summer special, but the food and service is wonderful.
  4. It's been 2 years since last post. How is this place these days?
  5. Went to TFL last friday eve with a couple who are regulars. we were treated to a 15 course meal of which all but the lamb course had 2 different preparations. so 29 different dishes. many were extraodinary and many were just very tasty. most of the best dishes were the classics, tagliatelle with truffle, custard with truffles, oyster and pearls and some new creations were wonderful, shiso sorbet, lobster with corn. the main problem this evening was the heat. it is an old building and when it is hot, it can be unbearable. and it was. when dining for 4 1/2 hours and going out to the garden every hour to wipe the sweat off is ridiculous. OPEN A WINDOW! for the prices they get they could hire someone to fan each diner individually! seriously, there must be a way to circulate the air and make the evening more bearable. TK was not there as his father recently passed away and perhaps that had something to do with it. the service was very good but not perfect and that is what i expect at TFL. dirty plates sat in frony of us for too long and napkins were nor always folded when we lsft the table. nitpicking? perhaps, but when you are TFL you are expecting perfection whether TK is there or not. one other gripe. I ordered a $130 bottle from the list and was told they had sold out of at lunch. the wine steward suggested a similar one. when i looked at the list i saw it was $300. when i told him it was too expensive he recommended another in my price range that was very good. but since my original choice was $130 I think it is a crime to suggest a wine that is more than double the price.
  6. eyedoc


    Have any of you been to BXL near times square? I plan to go after a show when hopefully it won't be too busy. Just looking for some decent mussels and the selection of beer looks great. Not expecting high class Belgian cuisine but trying to avoid awful. Also, is there anyplace that serve eel frites? I had these in Bruges instead of moules frites and loved them.
  7. When I was in Chicago last September I snagged a reservation for the tasting and I was grateful for it. I was served the menu and they are very generous with additional courses. We were given the truffle explosion and a foie gras dish and numerous others. We also split one wine pairing between both of us and the pours were very generous. We did talk up the wine guy and the servers and that can certainly help to show your interest and appriciation.
  8. I've lived in River Edge for 20 years and I've never eaten here. Any reviews? And if you like Sanducci's in River Edge, please do not reply because that place is awful.
  9. eyedoc

    Lake Worth

    We went on a Sat. nite at 6:45 and were seated promptly. By 7:15 there was a line out the door. Service was very courteous and friendly and we were not rushed. If you do a search there are some recent posts. The menu is very large and changes regularly. We had seaweed salad, very simple, just a selection of 3 different seaweeds with 2 different dipping sauces, sesame and mustard. We also has conch over cooked seaweed. Both were very good. Small tapas sized portions. We then had a jack plate which is 8 pieces of jack, 4 pieces are sashimi and the other 4 are chopped with citrus and chive as a tataki. This was my favorite dish. We wanted to order the hamachi sashimi with jalapeno but instead ordered the cooked hamachi "cheeks". It was a cooked collar of yellowtail. Very tasty and unusual. I thought the collar would be more tasty but it tasted liked fried fish. We also had kabosha tempura. This is a squash. Very tasty and not greasy at all. We also had a pork belly dish, tasty but too simple and a pork and kimchee dish. Spicy and flavorful. In all we tried 8 dishes and the total for 2 was $75. I was surprised that no rice was served but we also didn't ask. Many people were eating their fried fish. They had about 5 types listed. They also had unusual sounding dishes like chicken gizzards and fish jerky. They also had a large selection of sakes. If you go, do a search before and be daring.
  10. eyedoc

    Lake Worth

    Just got back and thanks again. I keep forgetting that when I visit this area, I need to go out with Grandma, and that means we MUST eat before 6PM. We ended up only going out once in LW and sure enough we went to Dixon Li. I was totally underwhelmed. It is not Chinese food, it is Chinese American food. There is nothing authentic about it. The food is very fresh and the people are very friendly. But it is typical take out fare, lots of cornstarch in the sauces and very bland. Feh. The peruvian chicken place was a little too downscale to take granny, take out instead of eatin, but next time I would get some chicken there and some tacos up the road and make a meal of it. And if you are ever ariund No. Miami you must try Yakko-San. Terrific.
  11. eyedoc

    Lake Worth

    Thanks again. Really am not looking for "fancy" and these are terrific suggestions. Will be there at end of the month and will let you know. Am afraid of the winter crowds, y'know. And yes I have been to Le Tub many times. I also think its the best burger I have ever had. Thanks for the heads up on the changing demographics of south florida. New York is the same way, many more Ecuadorians, Guatemalans, Peruvians and less from Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. Come to Jackson Heights in Queens. On one block there will be a Columbian, Ecuadorian, Mexican, Phillipino, Thai, etc. and they are all authentic. Amazing.
  12. eyedoc

    Lake Worth

    Thanks for the replies. There is no way I am eating egg rolls and spare ribs. Not what I'm looking for. Maybe Granny. And that's the problem with this area. It tends to cater to the mostly older people who live there. And I understand that. I'm not trying to be offensive or judgmental, but I put up this post to find some edgier places near by. Annecros has the idea. For instance, when I visit the other Grandma in Aventura, we will be trying Hiro's Yakko-San. We also have had cerviche on Biscayne Blvd and 138th st. so the Peruvian place sounds interesting. You understand my hesitation about Peruvian in Lake Worth, though. What is Two Jays? And is Riggin's a place with crabs and a mallet? Sounds great. I also saw other posts about golden crabs and I can cook! thanks again.
  13. Visiting grandma and am looking for good places to eat. not fancy, ethnic preferred. Plan to try the taco truck on Lake Worth Ave. which I passed but did not try last visit. Was told of a Thai place on LWA but when we went there, the menu had chicken marsala! We found another Thai place further east, on the north side, that was pretty good. Any ideas? Also prefer places that don't close at 8pm. Thanks
  14. Yucatan is a state in Mexico, not Central America. I expect you will dock in cancun or Cozumel. Expect Mexican food with an emphasis on seafood. If you will be visiting Guatemala or other C. American countries, I only know of restaurants in Queens. The closest to those I know in NJ would probably be Colombian. There are 2 in Hackensack, 1 on Mercer st. and Pollos Mario on Main st.
  15. With Wondee's so close, is there any reason to go here? Seriously.
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