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Everything posted by adelaide

  1. Has anyone tried the black truffles at Urban Fare. Not the truffle butter, but the whole black truffles packaged in a ramekin right next to the truffle butter. Are they any good?
  2. FYI, Hagen Daas did get on it.....I think they've been making ice cream mooncakes for several years now, but I've only seen them in HK (it has a chocolate crust.....mmmmm)
  3. I used to go to school with the girl whose family owns (or Used to own? didn't keep in touch after high school) the Maxim's here. Don't think it's the same as the one in HK (plus I think the Maxim's in HK is much better...) Red date is also one of my favourite moon cakes too! I don't know too many ppl who like the red date one personally, so I'm surprised to see so many ppl who like it here! Another one of my favourite moon cake is bean paste.
  4. That gazpacho dish reminded me of the one I had when West first opened......I was blown away then too. West has remained my favourite restaurant since it's opening. I don't find it's serving size to be small tho (maybe I have a small stomach? ) And I still remember the raspberry souffle I had during my first dinner there. The first souffle had colapsed in the kitchen when it got out of the oven as I was told by my waiter. But when the successful one came out, and the waiter smacked the souffle with a spoon to pour in the raspberry syrup.......just the smell could make me melt.
  5. Thanks for all ur suggestions! I will definitely check out the restaurants' website before I go (I like to do detail research first) I've heard of Susur, didn't he come to Vancouver to do an event w/ Rob Feenie or something? I have yet to go try Lumiere (tho I did go to Rob Feenie's lower end restaurant "Feenie's"), it's a little bit out of my budget right now, so I'm guessing Susur would be too Hopefully I'll have the $$ to try it next time. I love Sen5es, we have it here in Vancouver too. Thomas Haas is the master in chocolate. We don't have Sen5es restaurant here tho. Is it any good? Perigree's foie gras menu sounds amazing.....I just cannot resist foie gras! Tho it's probably not too good for my health, but I don't eat it that often anywayz, so I'm probably gonna go all out for foie gras this time Thanks Little Blue House for the pastry question, I completely forgot! Pastry is my other lifeline (besides foie gras). I've heard good things about Clafouti from other threads, so I'll definitely check it out. Btw my current favourite restaurant here in Vancouver is West. Chef Hawksworth does all the dishes perfectly, and they have a great pastry chef too. Tho I did like the original version of the name "Ouest" better.
  6. I'm visiting from Vancouver, staying in Toronto for about 1 week but only staying in Toronto Downtown for about 3 days (the rest of the time I'll be staying w/ a friend in North York). I'm more interested in moderate to fine dining experience, want to see the difference between west and east coast cuisine. The above lunch suggestions also sounds great as I will most likely be browsing around downtown during the day.
  7. I will be going to Toronto in the beginning of October. This is my first time in Toronto, so any suggestions for good food, ranging from average pricing to fine dining, would be much appreciated. I will be staying in the Sutton Hotel in Downtown (or is it actually Uptown?). Walking distance will be preferable. Thanks a lot in advance!
  8. Hi all, I'm not new to eGuillet but this is my first post. Have been going out for DineOut for a few years now.....but didn't get the restaurants that I wanted this year. Chambar, Lumiere, and Quattro are all full >< Instead booked West and I suspect I only got a space because West wasn't on the DineOut website's list.
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