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Port Aransas

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  1. I was interested until I read the last line: So, this is a "super premium" mixer? Sounds more like marketing a famous brand purely for mass appeal. I hope I'm wrong and there really is some substance, but I don't have much faith in Bacardi.
  2. Good questions. I bought a bottle of Bacardi 1873 in San Juan in 2000 and the label said nothing about Solera (label stated it was produced in Puerto Rico). Now, as you stated, the 1873 is labeled as Solera, and is also produced in Mexico. I'm also curious to see replies to your questions.
  3. Well, what say you Jedi?
  4. Thanks for the comments Ed. I've been keeping an eye out for the Trafalgar, but I'd rather be given the option of buying the rum and not the anniversary decanter. . . . . Though, where decanters are concerned, it's a damn fine lookin' one. Just can't drink it, and therein lies the problem.
  5. Just wanted to see if anyone has tasted the Pussers 15yr rum that was available in the Trafalgar anniversary decanter. I couldn't find any reviews in a search of the forum, hopefully someone on here got the decanter and broke the seal. Anyway, as for the regular Pussers (Blue), it's my go-to as a mixer for painkillers, coladas, and mojitos. For sipping, I have to have something sweeter like Zacapa 23. I appreciate the fact that Pussers was created to give us a taste of history, and one of these days plan to drag my wife to Tortola.
  6. Hello All, Quickly wanted to say thanks to all the members, esp. Mr. Hamilton, as I have gained much information from these discussions when deciding to try a new rum (this is what led me to Ron Zacapa ). Now, I was recently cleaning out a closet and came across an almost empty bottle of Bacardi 1873 that I bought in the late '90's in San Juan. From what I remember (and from tasting that last little bit) this wasn't a bad sipping rum, nothing special but not bad. I see that Bacardi has an 1873 Solera that's made in Mexico (my bottle wasn't), does anyone know if this original non-Mexican 1873 is still available? Rgds, Steve
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