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    Rockville, MD (USA)
  1. Here's a good word for the Sushi House on Rockville Pike (near the halal butcher as well as the local Crisp and Juicy). I go every other week or so and the sushi is pretty good though I would avoid the ika. If you want better directions I can try and provide them.
  2. There's a new gourmet pizza takeout in Wintergreen Plaza (where the McDonald's used to be) called 4Pizza. They sound interesting and I was wondering if anyone has tried it yet. In any case I will be sampling their wares sometime in the next few weeks and I will report back....
  3. I like DanielK's approach, it seems reasonable and gives the group some flexibility.... And I'd like to try tongue! rob t.
  4. In late December before the holidays, I walked into Corduroy at 6 or so and the place was virtually empty. The meal was delicious--all praise to the pork belly, which was superb. rob t.
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