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Everything posted by ddwinedrinker

  1. Attempted to post a reply and ended up starting a new topic! I wished everyone who visits this post a Happy Thanksgiving...please visit that posting! Not that I want to be seen as a bad influence on anyone's wine buying habits, but I went by the Swede store yesterday and found it amply stocked. If you are a Silver Oak person, they had a nice offering of the 01 Alexander Valley Cabernet at about $67.00 a bottle. I live out in Reading and shop at Wyomissing store, their Silver Oak was all grabbed up already! Was curious if anyone has tried the Hermitage yet? Please provide some tasting notes if you have. Also, would the taster serve it with Turkey or better with a steak? I may do steaks tonight and enjoy it with those! Have a wonderful holiday!
  2. I haven't visited here ( PLCB Wine Bargains Posting!) lately...had some reading to do to catch up! Posted a new topic in error, oops! I wanted to wish everyone who posts here a happy Thanksgiving full of good food and wine! With this group I would guess that is a given! I was curious if anyone has any tasting notes about the Hermitage which is available and has such great "ratings" and is such a great deal. If I admitted to my hubby what I paid for a few bottles he would beat me with the empty bottle. I am also curious if anyone has tasted it, if said taster could say "yeah or nay" with Turkey? If not...I'm thinking of doing some steaks tonight so we can try a bottle! As for Mike's posting on the 16th, I hate to influence anyone's buying problems but I went by the Swede store and they were pretty well stocked in my opinion. I live up in Reading (shop in Wyomissing) but pass by both the Swede store and the Collegeville store on a fairly regular basis. I try to control the car when it steers itself into the parking lot, but sometimes it wins! The Swede store had a number of the CS's available and a couple of other good deals. If you are a Silver Oak person...they have Silver Oak '01 Alexander Valley for around $67.00/bottle. I didn't get any and I'm sure I will be kicking myself for it. Happy Hunting!
  3. I am anxious to try this and I finally purchased a bottle of this Chardonnay on Thursday, we are having it with dinner tonight. I am curious to see how it compares to the Robert Young Chardonnay we have from Chateau St. Jean which we LOVE! We are getting ready to travel abroad and I had to go grab some of the incredible Chairman's Selections for our trip. Paying a corkage beats paying markup on a lesser quality wine. Had to have some of that Freemark Abbey Sycamore to take along...sure drinks easy! I am waiting for my husband to cut me off from the Chairman's Selections telling me "NO MORE!" Thank you to everyone who posts their reviews here and also to Johnathan Newman for being into wine! I hope that Katie can make a Chairman's tasting happen in Philadelphia, I'd love to drive in from Reading and taste Philadelphia cuisine with some great wines. Happy sipping!
  4. My name is Pedro. I have a problem... I've had to start maping my purchases in advance, and try to stick to the plan. I've budgeted for the Edmeades, that Chateau Whatchamacallit $18 Sauternes, and the Artesa PN. Or at least that was the plan. Until I got down to eight bottles of the Arrowood and panicked - had to get another case. And then the Campillo looked just too good to pass up, and I don't currently have any Rioja, and really, it's a '96 Riserva, and just $15, practically giving it away is what they are, and the bottles are so pretty, so shiny.... I had a plan. Now I got a problem. ← So pretty and shiny and getting quite rare. Last chance in many places. I got my last few bottles. I have gotten out of buying too much quantity with any one wine lately but this is a multi bottle purchase for sure. As part of your rehabilation Pedro, step one is to drop your most cherished wines at my house. It will hurt me more than it will hurt you but thats healing amigo. Break the bonds. Evan ←
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