My name is Pedro. I have a problem... I've had to start maping my purchases in advance, and try to stick to the plan. I've budgeted for the Edmeades, that Chateau Whatchamacallit $18 Sauternes, and the Artesa PN. Or at least that was the plan. Until I got down to eight bottles of the Arrowood and panicked - had to get another case. And then the Campillo looked just too good to pass up, and I don't currently have any Rioja, and really, it's a '96 Riserva, and just $15, practically giving it away is what they are, and the bottles are so pretty, so shiny.... I had a plan. Now I got a problem. ← So pretty and shiny and getting quite rare. Last chance in many places. I got my last few bottles. I have gotten out of buying too much quantity with any one wine lately but this is a multi bottle purchase for sure. As part of your rehabilation Pedro, step one is to drop your most cherished wines at my house. It will hurt me more than it will hurt you but thats healing amigo. Break the bonds. Evan ←