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Everything posted by naro

  1. naro


    Did you ask to speak to management? If you did not....and did not make your feelings known at the establishment...then you did keep your mouth shut. These problems should be addressed at the restaurant, not in a forum. Save your ire for the people who actually wronged you, not the innocent people on this forum who actually did have a good time there. ← I did address it at the restaurant , with my waiter. He was not overly concerned. I am usually of the mind that things should be brought up with the person you are having problems with in the first place before ratting them out to the manager. Also, I feel like our waiter should not be the only one who gets his knuckles rapped for this one. Management was on board, it was a bit of team neglect. I'm quite suprised frankly by how upset y'all are about this. Are salami jokes frowned upon?
  2. naro


    oh, but my young friend, I did like it, the cheese! the cornichons! the goddamn salami! But this is not enough to keep me coming back. No business improves by praise alone. This problem is completely fixable, but not if we keep our mouths shut.
  3. naro


    Alright, enough of the mindless Salt jerk off. I was there this weekend, and though there were five people working and the restaurant was less than half full, a girl could not get a second glass of wine to save her life. I watched as another hapless customer desperately tried to make eye contact with anyone to get his order taken. 15 minutes later and we were both still empty handed. This would be bad enough, but I just told a friend about this experience and she laughed because she had the exact same experience last week, but luckily she was with a server from Vij's who took matters into her own hands and served her own table. I like Salami as much as the next girl, but not if I have beg the waiter for it. Smarten up Salt!
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