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Everything posted by the_real_sparky

  1. NZ may have 1/5 of our population but all of those people live in a country that would fit inside the state of Colorado. I think our cities are too far apart (and our country just too wide) for there to be a comparable food/dining magazine. The US has the population to support a $6 magazine. I think it would be very unlikely to ever see a free, advertiser-paid, model here on the coast.
  2. We knew the review was coming out so we decided to shut the place down for a long weekend. We try to make ourselves exclusive be not being open. I don't expect another break until the Christmas holidays. Hopefully you will have another opportunity before then. Marc
  3. Sean tells me that the word on the street is that it "is impossible to find kitchen staff" right now. We both think it is a wage issue. I can wash dishes for minimum wage, be a line cook for $12-15 an hour or I can go sweep up nails at a construction site for $18/hr. I think the number of constrstuction sites in Victoria has surpassed the number of restaurants. -Marc
  4. I'm sure James meant the Pey La Tour. Previous vintages the wine was called Chateau de la Tour but a subsequent lawsuit forced the name change. I believe yet another name change is expected.
  5. I'm excited as earlier this week I have picked up a bottle of each to try. Very sharp packaging on the Juan Gil Jumilla In the mean time, I'm drinking way too much of this: 2003 Chateau Sainte Eulalie La Cantilene Minervois La Liviniere serving it to guests at home and customers at work I've had 100% success with it SKU #274597 / UPC #03548602001034 Product Information Price: $24.99 Volume: 750 mL Alcohol: 13.5 % Sweetness: 00 Country: France Locality: Midi Availability > Regions Region Quantity Available Lower Mainland 208 Lower Vancouver Island 51 The Islands 12 Thompson-Nicola 9
  6. looking out my window is seems that the new Herald Street Caffe is open this evening.......hopefully I'll be able to sneak out for a glass of wine later tonight. -marc
  7. Our oysters change almost daily but I found an invoice on my desk this morning for Kumamoto oysters. Ship's Point and Whaletown Bay round out tonight's selection (I think - I'm always the last to know) I stopped in for a pint and a half dozen oysters this afternoon. They had some tasty Whaletown Bays, Effinghams and a third type the pint made me forget. Their weekday happy hour price is only 69 cents each.
  8. When I worked at the Beach Side years ago it was funny how often only half a reservation would arrive on time because the other half was waiting at the Beach House. It was also funny how you could not pick up a plate from the kitchen pass without getting nailed in the back of the head with the kitchen door.
  9. Brasserie "l'ecole" is now open. New kitchen took longer than anticipated but should have been expected. The dining room looks exactly the same except for the dusting of areas that normally don't get dusted. Herald St Caffee has a new owner(s ?) and is apperantly keeping the name. If you count all of the transfers of ownership from partner to partner I beleive we are now seeing the 6th. They plan to be open very soon (end of this month) Bravo is closed for good. Brasserie will always be open only 5 nights a week. That way it will be impossible to eat here on the chef's night off. -sparky
  10. In the past I've purchased Fee Bros bitters from Ottavio in Oak Bay. They have brought in Mint, Peach and Orange from the US but their inventory depends on if they have somebdy driving across the border. I also have a yet-untried recipe for orange bitters. Unfortunately it calls for grain alcohol -sprky
  11. I should stress that it's the kitchen that is getting the new look. The dining room will look the same apart from the window treatment that was done last month and a few new shirts I acquired over the Christmas break ← I heard you were expanding seating to the "patio" area at the back of the property. ← Partially true. The kitchen renovations will allow direct access to our patio without having to walk through "the line". We are not absolutely sure how or if we will use the patio this year. We might treat it as a Chef's Table and keep it a bit exclusive (of course eGulleters would be moved to the top of the waiting list)
  12. I should stress that it's the kitchen that is getting the new look. The dining room will look the same apart from the window treatment that was done last month and a few new shirts I acquired over the Christmas break
  13. I heard they won't be opening until February 1st. That's the first date that appears on their website's reservation page. Memo, Insider to the Stars ← I should have included a disclaimer that I have inside knowledge as I am the janitor/book keeper/web manager/sommelier (or owner, which ever you prefer). I am hoping that we will be open for Thursday January 19th but I have decided not to take reservations until we have opened for business. It was tough calling/emailing all of the people that had reservations for this weekend telling them that we won't be open in time.
  14. As renovations by definition go over budget and past deadlines, Brasserie "l'ecole" will be closed for at least an additional week. Hopefully by Friday January 20th the new kitchen will be ready.
  15. The word on the street is that we should watch for the next EAT magazine to do a feature on British Columbia's private wine stores.
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