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  1. And if you come to one of Steve Plotthickee and my (JHLURIE) orgies, I could serve you some nice young and tender and juicy freshly killed Moslem meat. It is the best. Specialy after we have been sent a shipment by Papa Sharon. Those young kids that they kill daily, they taste especially nice. But I would say Tandoori foods are nice to begin with. Even Daals are nice. Bengali fish.. but that could be too strong. Tandoor, samosas, breads... excellent.
  2. Thanks John Whiting. Wow... I will have to study a lot before I can appreciate this drink.
  3. sweetpea


    Nice to hear... will do my research. What are your favorite dishes? Do you cook any of them? Thanks for the name of the Bangla restaurant. I will have to find it and try going there. ANd thanks for sharing that cute face.
  4. Anil you are kidding right? BG would have in my mind had the smallest such operation. I am from Bangladesh but do not live in Disney World. I know things as they are. It is WORST airline possible. I hope you were having fun teasing me. If you know something I should about BG, please share. Thanks.
  5. sweetpea


    Thanks! What are those restaurants? Do you know about Bengali Food Anil? Are you from India? Nice to meet you here.
  6. And I have not had better ones in Mexico either. But I agree with you about the need for trying things locally before dismissing them. We got great Langdas and Dussehris in Bangladesh. They came in cartons on a Bangla Biman and at times those prized Alfonsos. They are what forms my dissapointment with NYC mangoes.
  7. sweetpea


    Dr. Balic and Ron Johnson, thanks for the posts. I will do just that. Drink one and save the rest. My Uncle did say to me that these are good wines and I can save them for a long time. Is that true? I am very new to food. As a student, I have little ability to support my own needs for trying the best. I am often happy with reasonable and not so expensive alternatives. I am sorry for having been so naive. I hope that was OK? I learned a lot already from this one thread. Thanks. May I call upon you gentlemen with more wine questions?
  8. Thanks John Whiting. What other ingredients would you suggest? And I would have never known about not swirling a drink. It makes sense. Adam Balic, who is Evelen Waugh? Would love to know.
  9. I have eaten a few and had to leave them. They are that bad. Green ones I have never tried.
  10. sweetpea


    I have been given 6 of these from 1996. Does anyone know them? I am told this is a great Super Tuscan. What does it mean?
  11. Suvir, I will ask my father and get back to you. I am glad you know of Nirvana. It is very expensive so I cannot go there too often. I posted about it on the India board I think. I find your comments on the foods from that region very encouraging.
  12. My grandmother taught me songs of Rabi Thakur as she would be rolling dough to make Samosas stuffed with chicken and shingaras for our Hindu neighbors that did not eat meat. It was most beautiful as she was so sensitive to the eating habits of the Hindus. While they were different from us in religion, we were still one people. She taught me our sonds and dance and folk tales that were common. I only wish I could share that with Steven Poltnicke. He seems so angry and bitter. Maybe he would be happier if he had grown up with more love and postive stories. Jaymes your bio is beautiful. I loved reading about your grandmother. Are we gals more into cooking with grandmas? I also remember hearing tales from grandma about how India saved us from our own Pakistani citizens. We became free in 1971. Moslems from the west of India were killing us in the east for we were culturally different from them. She would fry fish and sing freedom songs and put me to sleep singing other such songs. she was beautiful.
  13. is it any good? I bought it last week for it had such a great color. Would love some help. Thanks.
  14. NYC Mangoes are bad at the very best. I came here at the age of 12 and so I have been spoiled. We had mangoes in Bangladesh, but the best came from India. From Bombay and some even from as far as Delhi. I remember Rabindra sangeet when I think of Mangoes. The Mexican and other American mangoes do not compare at all. They are not mangoes. They have no flavor. I must disagree with you Suvir. I have yet to find good mangoes in NYC.
  15. Suvir, may I ask you a personal question? Are you single? How old are you? I am young and cute and looking for a nice date from the area. My father would be very proud of me if I were to bring one like you home as my date. But jokes aside... how old are you? I have been reading your posts on egullet for a few months now. And finally decided to register. I was very intimidated by your vast knowledge. I am a student in NYC and I feel like I should ask my college teachers to bring you to speak to us about the Indian world you write about. I grew up with a large Moslem family, and we were taught to be very meek. I see an agression in NYC that I cannot seem to find in myself. You are able to give someone like me an outlet. I would love to write you a message and see if I can meet with you and have you speak to the South Asian group of my school. We need people like you that are role models. You have all the values my parents have shared with me and yet look to be close to my elder brothers age. That is the only reason I ask. You are eloquent in sharing the many things that make the people from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh more similar than what the leaders of the world care to look at. My father was moved by the poems you shared on another thread. To which I am yet to respond. I am scared that my being a woman and Moslem would make me target of much hate. Where do you eat your favorite Indian foods? Where do you find your inspiration from? Your ability to talk about India and its foods and its neighbors.. how can you do it as a profession? Does it get tiring? What is it about Indian food that make syou want to share it with others? Have you traveled to Bangladesh? Do you like Bengali desserts? Will have more to say in the next few days. I hope I have not embarassed myself and you.
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