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  1. Salt-packed anchovies. They're rather difficublt to find. other than through mail order. ← I am thinking black truffle explosions....definitely black truffle explosions...what do you think John? ← Chef, Not a bad idea. I've already talked to Pikus about hiring him as a consultant. He hasn't told you yet??
  2. I read the recent post regarding the explosion of Italian restaurants ("Italian epidemic" I believe it was titled) in the city of Chicago, and found it pretty interesting. I am originally from the Northern New Jersey area (think Sopranos) where Italian restaurants and food shops are abundant, to say the least, so I guess I'm not too surprised. I've been a proud Chicago resident for the last 4 years though, and I am curious what those who are fond of Italian flavors and foodstuffs would want, expect, and look for in an Italian-inspired specialty store and deli...possibly in the South Loop area of Chicago. I'd appreciate your honest opinions and input. Thanks, John Asbaty
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