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Posts posted by rjgreene

  1. Looking to go to lever house in Dec. with family and we're trying to decide if it's going to be a "great" experience...I have not read a lot of posts on it and looking if anyone can give me some help.

  2. One town sticks out in my mind.

    Pietrasanta & Forte dei Marmi. Won't post the restaurants just yet till I get the addresses and stuff correct. I know where they are, but it would be easier if you had the addresses.

    We're talking seafood baby! We're talking bistecca fiorentina!! We're talking, clean air!!

    Sounds great! We are torn between staying in this region or Bologna...any suggestions...If the seafood is as good as you say I think we can make up are minds pretty easy! Thanks for the help!

  3. Is there a budget?

    There is a budget, but will definetly splurge on a few two or three star meals while in some of the cities...looking for the "hidden" places with traditional cusine and known in the areas we are traveling for specializing in local, fresh ingredients. Any help would be great in Tuscany region, Rome, and Florence. Thanks!!!!

    Yes...we are heading up to the Cinque Terre area hopefully to do some hikes...Would love to get any reccomendations you might have for places to stop there or along the way...Thanks!

  4. Is there a budget?

    There is a budget, but will definetly splurge on a few two or three star meals while in some of the cities...looking for the "hidden" places with traditional cusine and known in the areas we are traveling for specializing in local, fresh ingredients. Any help would be great in Tuscany region, Rome, and Florence. Thanks!!!!

  5. My wife and I are traveling to Italy in April for two weeks... Going to be in Rome for 3 days, Tuscany for 4, Bologna,etc. for 3 and Florence for 2 days. We are looking for the best places to eat at in those cities and surrounding areas. I'm a chef and I want to see about all I can in this short period of time about the wonderful food and restaurants here in Italy. Any help would be great! Thanks.

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