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Bess Lovejoy

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  1. It's free all over town, but can be hard to find. Street boxes are at Granville and Robson, Homer and Smithe, 4th and Burrard, 1st and Commercial, and all around Yaletown. There should be deep drops at Soma and Pulp Fiction on Main, as well as at Granville Books. And of course, there's always www.terminalcity.ca. -Bess
  2. I spent last Friday evening at the Gerard Room and yes, I'd have to say it's very civilized. Hotel bars are generally a good bet that way. But if you want "grown up", stay away from Opus - or rather, say away from the lounge. Elixir, the actual hotel bar next door, is lovely (great servers, very extensive cocktail list, amazing desserts), but the Opus lounge is fairly crass IMHO. Speaking of crass: I happen to be editor of Terminal City, and we produced a drinking guide last issue: www.terminalcity.ca. Probably the most useful feature is our drinking listings, which are organized by neighborhood. Good for sudden "where to go for a drink?" searches. We do begin with a review of dives, but there are reviews of hotel and wine bars too. Yes, I know that was a shameless plug in my very first post... mea culpa! -Bess Lovejoy
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