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Everything posted by ziggybob

  1. You think Yahoo's YP bites :) Rachel, try Verizon's SuperPages [cringe]
  2. Was RPerlow confusing the White Manna in River St, Hackensack, with the White Mana Diner at Tonnele Av and Secaucus Rd, Jersey City? They are two different creatures with some similarities, and I'll leave it to the veterans here to recap them... (Edited by ziggybob at 6:02 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)
  3. ziggybob


    They have sites about topics like this, JP... Here's one: http://indiansaga.com/languages/index.html
  4. Jackson Diner still DOES go by that name, it just moved to a different location quite a few years ago.
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