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You did mention that you enjoyed seafood. With that being said I could highly recommend Christian Constant's Fables de la Fontaine. A comfortable, small place with an excellent seafood reputation. Reservations a must, of course. Joan
I think the Dijon suggestion would be a great one. Different from nearby day trips that most take. Certainly very do-able! Enjoy.. Joan
I also spent Thanksgiving at Violon d'Ingres with 2 Parisien friends. I had told Christian the day before that it was 'our' Thanksgiving and he was surprised. On Thanksgiving evening when he spent some time at our table and I introduced him to my friends, he apologized for not thinking of it sooner. I had also mentioned it to Caherine in one of my emails. I don't thing we would have found stuffed turkeys and all anyway!Dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We enjoyed a different wine with with each course. A good time was had by all. I will be enjoying lunch there tomorrow with friends. I will be leaving Paris on Monday, after being here for 6 weeks. I will be home for 6 weeks and think I will then be returning for another 6 weeks. Joan
Holly, I think I know where you might be staying..if so, and fall is in the air in Paris, you should have some pretty colorful views! I have a feeling that you could put together something pretty special for dining. You could also get a bit of help from Dubernet and/or Davoli, in your neighborhood. Parisian friends have said it has been a cool and wet summer, but is nice now. Hard to tell what October will be like..anything from quite warm to quite chilly. You may have to play it by ear for dining terraces with color. Enjoy your planning... Joan
I guess you could say that I am a Christian Constant fan, too! I always stay in the Bourdonnais/Rapp/St. Dominique area with Eiffel Tower apartment views. I think you could say that with my early arrival time that it works out perfect for me to have my arrival day lunch at Les Cocottes. I always vist a bit with Christian who strolls between his 4 places along Christian Constant's part of St. Dominique! I always dine at all 4 of his restaurants along with Au Bon Accueil, Le Clos des Gourmet, Le Florimond is always on my list. La Cuisine can be a good choice. I have also enjoyed 153 Grenelle. I did find this spot http://www.au-petit-sud-ouest.fr/ the one on Bourdonnais..if you are a foie gras person you will like it. The grande salad is a real winner. Casual place. They also have a dessert deli and do sell foie gras. Menu is same for lunch or dinner. Not exactly heart healthy, but stay a month or longer, as I do, and you can enjoy more than once! I'm sorry, but my L'Ami Jean experiences have not been good. Yes, I know what a favorite it is! I do enjoy a Sunday lunch at l'Obe(formerly l'Obelisque) in the Crillon. They have come to enjoy my regular dining by giving me free Champagne (Taittainger, of couyrse), extra "sides" offferred and even ask if I would like a 2nd dessert! Can't even finish the first! They treat those who dine with me in the same manner! I have many friends asking if they can join me at the Crillon for Sunday lunch..not brunch. A fun thing after l'Obe is to wander over to the Bar Vencome in the Ritz and have a cocktail of some sort, to round out the afternoon of slumming! What's nice is that I can jump on the # 42 bus and be there in minutes! I will be returning to Paris...and my little area of the 7th..the first of November for a 6 week stay. I will get to see all the Christmas decorations and take a walk across Pont Alma and stroll up ave. Montaigne and see all the decorations and then go on the Rond Point and Cjamps Elysees. Pretty special. Enjoy, Joan
Ptipois, How were they? Did you enjoy either, or both? Thanks, Joan
Do you mean that it is a combination of both Vin sur Vin and Fermin le Barbier together? That is interesting.... Joan
I thought the oysters at Fables were the best I had ever eaten til the ones at l'Obelisque...I don't know what # they were, but have never seen such huges, fat things!! Maybe they were exceptional ones on that particular day! Interesting re your comparison..glad there was not a big difference in the cost or you would have been disappointed! I am in the midst of working on a month of dining mid April - mid May. I try combining it with areas that I want to be in along with must do restaurants and the great many others that I think I might like to try. Then there are the ones that you always repeat. I'm starting with some 85 wihout my regulars! I cannot eat two large meals a day..so you see, I quickly run out of time! I'm sure that some of my friends think I am nuts!
Randy, When In Paris in Dec. at l'Obelisque I had some Gillardeau oysters. They were the fattest most wonderful oysters I had ever eaten. A few nights previous to this I had oysters at Fables des la Fontaine. I thought they were great..but not like the Gillardeau's. I did some searching and this is what I found: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillardeau_oysters Enjoy... Joan
I would say all 4 of the Constant restaurants, l'Obelisque at the Crillon for a nice spot, Les Saveurs de Flora was a recent good experience. You can try calling Daniel at Spring right away from the US. I always call about 5:30 AM EST and Daniel usually answers the phone. Who knows he just might have a concellation for you. A charming little bistro is Cafe Max on laMotte Picquet...a block from Le Florimond, wich is another good spot...153 Grenelle... Enjoy.... Joan
A little update re the oyster that I had at l'Obelisque on Dec. 14th. We had been to Les Fables de la Fontaine a few night before when I enjoyed their Cancale oysters. I couldn't believe the oysters at l'Obelisque..magnifique! I did a bit of research on them. I was not familiar with the name: Gillardeau..here is what I found: Gillardeau oysters are produced by the Gillardeau family and their small private company. It was founded in 1898 in Bourcefranc-le-Chapus near La Rochelle and the Île d’Oléron in western France. "A French Family Dynasty Reinvents the Oyster", New York Times (October 26, 2008). Retrieved on 27 October 2008. "The family’s small private company, founded 110 years ago here by the sea near La Rochelle and the Île d’Oléron in western France, produces only “spéciales,” oysters that are fleshier and, consequently, more expensive than the standard Here is a recipe from the Michelin 3 star restaurant Troisgros with the Gillardeau oysters: Troisgros Warm Oysters wrapped in Sorrel with Almonds - The wonderfully firm Gillardeau oysters is what makes this dish. They even stay firm after being warmed slightly. They are wrapped in sorrel leaves that become a bit wilted from being heated, and then topped with a sliced almond. Add contrasts of sour lemons and a crunchy nuttiness, some butter and then lemon, and you have a textbook example of the Cuisine Acidulee which occupies so much of Michel Troisgros's interest. Enjoy.... Joan
Voila le dernier repas (The Last Supper!)!!!! Does this call for a big cry???? We had such a great time last week at l'Obelisque that we cancelled our lunch at Drouant to have our last in the Crillon. Joan has sent an e-mail to the hotel telling them what great service we had the last time so we were welcomed with open arms upon arrival. We were seated at the same table. Quelle surprise! We ordered champagne for our aperitif and when it came, we were told that they are compliments of the Crillon!! Taittinger, they were!!!!!! Mme. J started with Huitres de chez Gillsrdeau - the fattest oysters and most delicious ones you'd find. It is even fatter than the ones served at Les Fables de la Fontaine. Mme. L had her last Foie Gras de canard de Landes (she just have to have them) sprinkled with some poivre noir et sel de Guerande. For the plat principal, Mme. J has a Homard en salade, mangue, coeur de iceberg, vinaigrette curry (her favorite thing to order in this place). A glass of 2007 Alsace Riesling Cuvee Albert accompanied the lobster. Mme. L had a Gigot d'agneau en tranche (bien rose), haricot coco piments. A glass of 2000 Pessac Leognan, Chateau Olivier was a good dmatch with the lamb. Charlotte Poire/Caramel for Mme. J and Millefeuille a la Vanille <Bourbon> for Mme. L and coffee after finished off the meal, accompanied by a plate of mignardise - mini macarons au caramel de beuerre salee et des quelques chocolats. An old man across the room and directly facing Lilia, thought that the two ladies across the room was watching him. He told our waiter that he thought we had our eye on him (the waiter said "he wished!!!"). It turned out that he's been lunching there for over 20 years, he is 94 years old and has been a widower for 15-----. When he stood up, waved to us goodbye,he really looked 94........ Joan will have a date with him when she gioes back in the Spring. That would be a lot of fun to see what he can do when they converse with Joan's less that passable french!!!! That's all for now.............
Just a little note about a funky bistrot that exudes charm in both decor and the charming owner, Valdo Riva! It is located at 7, ave de la Motte Picquet. If you happen to go there mention that you were sent by Joan from NC..hopefully you will not be asked to leave! We had agreat party there on Friday evening..til 1:00 AM. Fun for all, including a truly American gift for Valdo..an Indian headband with 2 feathers! Some good food, many items with Perigord truffles. All enjoyed. Give it a try for lunch or for dinner. You might be surprised. Joan
Mai oui, How could we forget our wonderful Daniel Rose from the list!! Joan