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    Long Island, NY
  1. Well, if they have keychains....
  2. I was given a bottle of Pearl as a gift and I ADORE it. I was a Belvedere, Grey Goose, Stoli (for mixing) until I tasted Pearl!
  3. A degree in psychology helps more than a certificate from a bartending school I started out waiting tables at a mom and pop bar (OK, a mom and jackass son bar), and moved into bartending when the day shift tender walked off the job midshift. I learned on the job, built up my clientele, and learned some great skills. Then I lucked into a similar situation whilst on holiday in the Bahamas (a friend's uncle owned the resort). I REALLY learned a lot there. Now I have a catering biz and find that there are times I miss being behind the bar. I think that the important thing is that you take the time to LEARN from those with more experience. Listen to them. Don't just assume you have all the answers. My best "teacher" was a man named Cliff, the resort mainstay. He taught me more than I have forgotten about tropical libations, and how to make them in a flash.
  4. Thanks for the welcome beans! Having tended bar for years on Long Island (where I live), I've grown accustomed to the myriad variations of the LIT! I was quite surprised when I worked in the Bahamas for a few summers, that they even have an interesting version of the LIT!
  5. Oh my. I wouldn't survive! We did our LI Iced Teas with the clears, triple sec, sour, and cola, and would do special-Teas with peach schnapps or chambord.
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