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  1. I had it a couple of years ago and it was mediocre at best. Also, when one factors in the cost of extras at Jean-Georges, such as Water, Espresso, Wine etc, the deal becomes significantly less sweet. The overally experience was subpar, with uninspired options (roast chicken, salad etc.) and little choice. One can find more interesting and tasty lunches for less money IMO.
  2. I tend to find it difficult and often pointless- most of the time- to talk about the price of a restaurant. My reason is that value is such a subjective thing. THere are those, many, in the world and in America, who would say that $50 or $75 is too much for a dinner. It's all relative.
  3. The Goat Cheese Tortellini with Fennel Pollen and Orange Zest is absolutely riveting.... Branzino was also quite good, but I would not put it only my must-order list.
  4. OMG! I just got a reservation at Per Se for Januray 28th, 9PM. I had all but given up hope, and today was the last day I was planning on trying. The first time I tried, a month or so ago, my cell phone battery ran out just as the reservationist picked up. Very frustrating. Anyways, I am overjoyed, and am looking forward with the utmost glee to my dinner. BTW, any more recent reports?
  5. That sounds really cool- thanks for the inside view of such an astounding kitchen.
  6. now that is gorgeous
  7. My birthday dinner this summer at Bouley was excellent, though I sincerely doubt that it is even nearly comparable to ADNY or per se. There were certainly many dishes in that meal which were interesting and delicious, but, overall, there wasn't enough ceremony or majesty in the meal. I didn't feel totally transported or blown away by the experience. This is why Bruni downgraded Bouley. The food is fantastic, but it lacks some essential je-ne-sais-quoi which I have no doubt is in abundance at ADNY & per se.
  8. I am very interested- basically hypothetically- about Alain Ducasse in relationship to per se. Obviously, the two have been compared ad infintium for the past eight monthes. However, after all this consideration, I have yet to hear a clear answer to my question, that being: If one could only visit either per se or Alain Ducasse, having neither been to the restaurants connected to either (ie FL or ADPA or AD Monaco), which should one visit? To get to the bottom line: which is better, ADNY or per se?
  9. I'd like to add a recomendation for Sosa Borella on 50th and 8th- it has very good Argentine-Italian food and a nice, but simple decor. I never hear it mentioned, but I find it to be an excellent value for the quality of the food. Again, I highly recommend it.
  10. MonsieurSatran


    I've seen Daniel Day-Louis and Arthur Miller at Lupa, and also Diane Sawyer with Mike Nichols at Babbo- so I'd venture to guess Batali joints are celeb-heavy.
  11. Megu was already reviewed by the Time- Bruni's second review, I believe. He gave it two stars, but said that some of the food was spectacular, even approaching four-star quality. Here's the review: Megu (Frank Bruni) Donguri sounds very interesting- I would like to go there. Two stars is quite a bit for a little place like that. Very surprising- especially compared with a place the size of Megu.
  12. I was just wondering if anyone here had ever tried the chef's seasonal tasting menu at Bouley- 5 savory courses, infinite amuse bouche and dessert, and starting at $135. It sounds incredible, but can I hear anyones' first hand account? ps: edited for clarity
  13. I would consider the Harrison Middlebrow, and I really like that... had a really enjoyable meal there.
  14. "There is a restaurant paradox, too. Sometimes restaurants succeed precisely because they do not try too hard. Because they are humble in reach. Because they are what they are, and they know what that is. Ici provides a good example. Its menu is extremely brief, with as few as a half-dozen appetizers and a half-dozen entrees. The handiwork behind some dishes is as simple as a sauté pan, butter and a few accents and herbs." Ici (Frank Bruni) Frank Bruni gives Ici one star. What does everyone think? Has anyone been?
  15. Any updates on when Cafe Gray will open?
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