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  1. Ate at Corduroy for the first time on Saturday. Had the pork belly entree and can honestly say it was one of the better dishes I've had in over 10 years of eating in and around DC. Can't wait to go back.
  2. j_web


    I was in Strasburg two weekends ago on a camping trip. Had very good fried chicken at the Hi Neighbor Restaraunt. There is also a good little Ice Cream stand near the main antique mall. Next to it is a decent Mexican place who's name escapes me. The brewery in Saunton is not too bad....a little chainesque. In Lexington, the Southern Inn used to be pretty good as well. And for bonafide southern truckstop food, Lexington Restaurant (Lex Rest) on 11 just outside of town. Drive safely!
  3. I was just curious. Grew up in McLean but haven't eaten there in 20 odd years. I'll try Boss Hogs on my next venture back. Thanks.
  4. North West corner.
  5. Just started to go to the burrito stand at the corner of 17th and K when I need a quick bite and can't make it up to Well Dressed. Simple, good and cheap.
  6. Does anyone know if the Three Pigs in McLean still exists?
  7. As an Alexandria resident, I eat at the Fayette St locale about once a month. I've always enjoyed the burgers (and dogs) there. I will add that they don't seem to travel well and are best enjoyed on site.
  8. Has anyone tried either/both of these? I'm looking for good seafood without the price of Kinkeads or Oceaniare. Thanks Joe Webster
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