Oriol Balaguer was fantastic! My visit to Oriol Balaguer was very tasty and I Managed to buy 80€ worth of goodies. Oriol himslef was there, rushing about looking quite focussed and busy. The studio at : Morales 21-27 Baixos b 08029, Barcelona Tel: (34) 933 632 298 E-mail: oriolbalaguer@terra.es http://www.oriolbalaguer.com Is not the easiest to find, but is worth the trip. Ring in advance to make sure they are open as I went twice as the 1st time it had shut early. Suggest moring @ 12.00 as kitchen would be likely to be operating. They shut for siesta and reopen at 4.30 to approx 7? The entrance requires a ring of the bell and then the door to this amazing workship swings open to an aladdins cave of tasty delights. If you smile nicely and confirm you are going to buy, they may give you an opportunity to sample some items. I persoanlly had a great tasting experience which included - pop rocks, truffles, the Nippon collection (Soy, wasabe and tea) some selected bonbons and prailene samples. Also managed to try some experimental products still in testing mode, very different!! In all well worth the visit, dont expect a shop front, its the front room of the workshop!