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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Thanks for the head up on the Laughing Bird! BTW, it looks like Harbor Fish Market is on Twitter! I am very excited about the possibilities as I love to find out what specials or out-of-the ordinary items they get in. It doesn't look like there are many followers yet, but I thought I would spread the word in hopes it will catch on and become a valuable tool for those who can't stop in daily. Of course, now I'll have to figure out Twitter. Yikes! Are there any other interesting Twitter accounts to follow around the Portland area? I'd love to see Yosaku tweet their specials.
  2. I just wanted to drop a quick note about a fish they have had on the specials board at Yosaku. Its called Sanma, is from Japan and I understand its a Pacific saury (so says wikipedia.) For those who really enjoy small, whole, grilled fish along the lines of sardines [@johnnyd...] this is a real treat. Seriously delicious! I just called them and its still available. JohnnyD, I hope you have a chance to try this if you haven't already. You could do a much better job of describing the flavors. Regards
  3. October to March is the best time to buy uni at sushi bars. Browne Trading is a retail purchase opton. Ankimo is also best in winter. ← Thanks for the info! A bright spot for winter, I guess.
  4. Does anyone know whether local sea urchin is in season and if so, where it can be purchased? Another thing I can't seem to get straight is ankimo. It seems monkfish is always available so why not the livers? Its all so confusing ....
  5. Any Restaurant Week reports out there? I've seen surprising little in the blogs so far - Back Bay Grill, Pepperclub... that's all I recall off hand. I plan to get out for one meal (thanks to a courageous babysitter - dinner without our wee-one is a BIG deal!) I hope its going well. This could be a really good thing for Portland (and Maine) in years to come. Cheers!
  6. Really wonderful post, johnnyd! Thank you for sharing it with us.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a try! Good luck with the polpo. Let us know how it goes.
  8. I have been checking all over town and cannot seem to find lard. The butcher is putting together a stash of pork fat for me, but I'd still like to find a source for the rendered stuff. Any ideas? TIA
  9. I am looking for organic or low-pesticide use apple orchards. Not sure why I'm having such a problem finding this info. I have identified one up near Lincolnville. Anything further south or west? Is there a list online somewhere? Thanks!
  10. According to a posting on Craigslist, Katahdin is under new management. Anyone know what's happening over there? Happy 4th!
  11. ← The Meat House is now open! I stopped in today to check it out. I was really surprised how nice the space is, with high ceilings, pleasant lighting and a spacious, open feel. I am really pleased with what I saw. There are some natural meat selections, which I'm pleased to see. I really appreciate some of the brands they've selected to sell, including Olivia's greens, Java Joe's (??) maine roasted coffee, La Regina tomatoes, Meadowbrook Mozarella from VT, Boars Head, Al Fresco sausage, Stubbs bbq sauces (which I searched high and low for a few weeks ago and couldn't find), and on and on. Oh, and pies, big and little ones. They stock a pretty complete line of Terra Cotta products, pastas, sauces, etc. Lots of pre-marinated meats for last minute meals. Big, beautiful boston pork butt roasts that will require we fire up the smoker at the next available opportunity -- or if the weather takes a turn, a sinful batch of carnitas! I guess I'm just so thrilled to have another option in the Mill Creek area. As my baby belly gets bigger and bigger, trips across the bridge become less and less appealing. Farms stands, farmers markets and a convenient nearby grocer is just right~!
  12. Thanks so much the tip, esme! You've reminded me, I'm definitely long overdue for a visit to Rosemont.
  13. Bad news on the Knightville Farmers Market. I just got word that this weekend's first market is cancelled due to lack of farmer participation. John Seymour, the organizer, did say there was a lot of excitement in the community but there is a need to spread the word to the farmers. Hopefully this thing will get off the ground! I think it would be a wonderful addition to the area! On another note, yesterday my partner decided to make a fish soup. As we headed off to Hannaford to pick up a few last items, he lamented about the odds of finding decent chorizo. Thanks to johnnyd, I knew they had that D'Artagnan chorizo. I am not sure how it rates against others as I'm not well versed in chorizo. Overall it worked very well in our soup providing nice flavor and color to the soup. And that chowder/soup fish they sell at Harbor, the scraps from the days cuttings, are a always a tasty and inexpensive treat!
  14. I was in the Northstar Cafe this morning and saw a poster announcing a new farmer's market in Knightville beginning Sunday May 25th. 9am - 3pm. 15 Ocean St. It reported limited spaces still available. http://www.farmersmarketonline.com/fm/Knig...arketplace.html There was also a poster for a Knightville Artisan Bazaar. Same place but on Saturday from 10am - ?? (I'm not sure what time). More info at info@maineartiststudio.com. Btw, a few days ago I was at Hannaford in Mill Creek. The natural meat selection there always bums me out, but there was something that made me laugh. They had a very small selection of D'Artagnan rabbits, chickens and poussin. I would rather see local meats or a more consistent selection of natural meats available for my regular grocery shopping. For a D'Artagnan rabbit, I would be more than happy to travel to a specialty purveyor to purchase. On another note, does anyone have any experience sourcing Maine Goat Meat? I found several farms online, but most sales opportunities seemed to be Midcoast - Rockland, Camden, etc. Thanks in advance!
  15. I wanted to send out my congratulations to Fatdeko on his winning cocktail at the B&B Master Mixologist Showcase! (reported by Portland Food Map) Sounds like the event was a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing you at The Grill Room... soon?
  16. Lighthouse Deli has reopened at Ocean and Sawyer in South Portland. I believe its under the ownership of the Vaughn St Variety folks (near Maine Med). It's pretty sparse and appears to be a work in progress, but its nice to see some life on that corner. That was one of my go-to places for sandwiches when heading to the beach. As an aside, we enjoyed a wonderful meal at Evangeline last Friday. They did such a great job with the space. Its warm and inviting, pairing perfectly with the delicious food. I look forward to returning soon!
  17. How exciting for them! If you talk to them, please please put in a plug for something on the other side of the bridge -- Mill Creek or Willard Sq area?!! Mr. Myers at The Grill Room, now that is good news indeed. Of course he will be missed at Local 188 but this certainly sounds like a great opportunity.
  18. Aww johnnyd, you are such a tease! Nothing else you can reveal? Anyone we would know or are familiar with behind this new enterprise? ← Yup! Nope! Maybe... But I will seek permission and post as soon as I can even if it gets out before then. I still don't know whether it's service, retail or something else. ← According to sources close to the new tenant, this space will become a restaurant. ← The prospective tenant (actually the building's new owner) has abandoned their plan for the first floor restaurant, and has leased it to another party who is also planning a restaurant. Check back in six months for the next update. ← Thanks for thinking of us with the update! There are so many new ventures to look forward to. I'm excited to check out each and every one of them!
  19. Awesome! Looking forward to it. I knew we could count on you, johnnyd
  20. That is excellent information, johnnyd! Thank you so much!
  21. Aww johnnyd, you are such a tease! Nothing else you can reveal? Anyone we would know or are familiar with behind this new enterprise?
  22. Thanks for the link.
  23. Hello all! I have a couple of things, I hope this is an okay thread to post to: 1) When you visit the fabulous new Local 188, don't forget to check out the Tapas list that is written on the big Mirror across from the front door. I thought it might be decoration the first time I went because no one mentioned it and there is no written reference to it. I've tried the livers and shallots, meatballs (the sauce is outstanding!) and the mushrooms. 2) A Bahn Mi shop has opened up on St. John's street. It's called Kim's Sandwich Cafe and is right across from Maine Hardware in that strip of storefronts. I haven't tried it yet, but heard a shredded pork sandwich was good. Interesting though, they toasted the bread -- not sure if they do always do that. Perhaps its typical, I've just never seen it. Price range appeared right on for Bahn Mi, $2.75 - $3.00. 3) Does anyone know anything about Commercial Street Pub serving Jamaican food? Passing by the other day, I saw that they have a chef named Stone who makes Jamaican food. The kitchen was closed when I was there, but the bartender said Stone has been cooking there since March (?). I mentioned it to a friend who quickly declared he would never eat anything from there, so I thought I'd ask a more adventurous, eGullet audience! 4) After some investigating, it appears folks around here do not like razor clams and so they are not available. I used to buy them regularly from the Portuguese markets in the Boston area. It occurred to me the other day, I see razor clams shells all over at the beach but never in the store. Thus the investigation. Just thought it was interesting. Great summer, eh?
  24. johnnyd, You are so fantastic to provide us with such a fine report, complete with pictures! The food looks so freakin' good, I can't believe we haven't even gotten around to firing up our smoker yet this summer. I thought I had read that the visitors are not able to eat the competition food due to some health codes or something. Is that true? Seems like a rather torturous event to attend if that is the case. Thanks again!
  25. Just found this comment about Miyake, http://portlandpsst.blogspot.com/2007/06/miyake.html On a side note, I sure am happy to see Stephen Lanzalotta's (Sophia's) breads and pastries at Miccuci's! He also has single serving prepared foods in the refrigerator that look quite good. I tried the Italian Eggs -- broad beans, tomato sauce, and egg, layered and baked. $3, good portion, it was very good!
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