<OK, I may have to turn in my eG card after this, but down in Fort Worth, there are two places I miss so baaaad sometimes. One is Pancho's Mexican on West Camp Bowie, the other is Peony's on the Weatherford Traffic Circle. Pedestrian...yeah....cheap...yeah...good in and out with a workcrew...YEAH...food good?...YEAH> Mabelline...I'm a FW native (Paschal HS))...Pancho's has gone corporate...they even have TV ads with an annoying jingle..."Raise the flag, raise the flag". Peony's...jeez...haven't eaten there in decades. In reference to the W.Tx. native who posted earlier...I'll have a Chix-fried from Massey's on 8th Ave (big as a hub-cap), BEEF brisket plate from Angelo's and chillaquilles from Joe T's bakery (Esperanzas) on Hemphill.