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  1. There is also a great seafood place in downtown Wilmington, just off 95 called Deep Blue. They have a great raw bar there aswell. You can check out their website: http://www.deepbluebarandgrill.com/ JK
  2. I would love to join this. I am new to the group and have been hanging out reading for a couple of weeks. May 3rd is no problem for me, its a slow day in the wine biz and Katie if I can help with wine let me know. J. Krieger
  3. drjonk

    WTN: A German red

    Not knowing where any of you are loacted I can make a suggestion of a couple of places that sell a particually great Spatburgunder from a excellent producer in Rhein. Weingut & Sektgut Ratzenberger in Bacharacher in the mittelrhein. The wine is available for sale at Moore Brothers Wine Co with two locations just outside Philadelphia www.moorebrothers.com You can also try Teller Wines in Lewis, De and Princeton Corkscrew in Princeton, NJ. The wine sells for $17 and is on the wine list at Felidia in New york City. It has all the classic feel of German Spatburgunder, bright mineral tone from the black and bluse devonshire slate of the area, but nice soft round cherry fruit. I hope this helps someone. jk
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