The raspberry syrup may not be so hard. I tried a peek on (Vons is our local Safeway offspring) and they list the Knotts Berry Farm syrup mentioned by Dr. Cocktail. This weekend I shall have to see if my local Vons carries it. You know, I looked forward to trying a Vesper ever since reading Casino Royale as a kid, but when I actually did I was disappointed. I love a gin martini, but to me the Vesper tasted weirdly harsh and unpleasant, with no hint of the Lillet, either. I used the 3:1:1/2 recipe with Tanqueray gin and Finlandia vodka. (I don't know much about vodka, so I must admit I chose based on the fact that the bottle had cute little reindeer on it.) Might I like the Vesper better with James Bond's choice of Gordon's gin? Plymouth gin? Different vodka? An attractive secret agent sitting across from me? Any advice would be appreciated.