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Everything posted by lainmemphis

  1. Is there another Harry's downtown, near The Arcade? Have you eaten at the little cafe in the back of Ernestine and Hazel's?
  2. I recently moved to Memphis to write for The Commercial Appeal newspaper. I'm doing food stories, and occasional restaurant reviews, but I'm also writing a blog... http://blog.commercialappeal.com/leslie ... I have had some great recommendations from readers, some which lead to rather spirited discussions. Anyone out there in e-gullet land care to offer some suggestions on finding food in and around Memphis?? Thanks!
  3. Hope I'm not jumping in too late, but wanted to add Germantown Commissary to the list... It's in a cool old building in sprawling suburbia. It has terrific ribs, cooked over hickory, great pulled pork and unreal desserts. Don't miss the coconut pie.
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