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Iive been looking at gourmetour ratings (www.gourmetour.ya.com) on the web and some of the ratings seem to be consistent with advice on eGullet & some seem to be way off. For example I've heard so many raves about Figon Zute El Mayor (Tinin) in Sepulveda, but I think it only gets a 5 on Gourmetour & other restaurants are more highly rated. For roast lamb they rate Las Casillas In Sotosalbos a 6.5, yet no one has mentioned that in the wonderful recent postings on roast lamb on eGullet (which made my mouth water). Can you give some insight to their ratingss? By the way, Gourmetour also gives a high rating to La Cocina de Segovia in Segovia. What do any of you think of that restaurant as a change of pace from all of the roast lamb we will be eating in the area?
I would also love suggestions for restaurants in and around Nerja.
Speaking of seafood, Am still waiting to hear about La Trainera or Pescador. Anyone?
Vserna, How do you compare the cordero asado at Asador Tierra Aranda to that in the Asador's in Segovia such as Jose Maria?
"Paulino (Both locations), El quinto vino, Entrevinos, El ventorrillo Murciano (Great rices), Montepríncipe, Viuda de vacas, La tasca suprema..." Do you have addresses for any of these restaurants? Coudn't find them. Vmillor, Your description of the tapas you've had has my mouth watering. Can you give me some names of tapas bars that you would particularly recommend in Madrid, or in Granada, where I understand the regular restaurant scene is pretty bleak? Also, Have any of you been to La Olma in Pedraza de la Sierra? Thanks!
I live in New YorkCity area, have eaten in excellent restauraurants all over the U.S., and have rarely paid over $100 for a meal for two, without including the wine in the price. Wine in U.S. restaurants is ridiculously over-priced, so the price of the meal can certainly add up, depending on the wine you choose. I agree that restaurants in France and Spain are much better - the quality of the products is simply more flavorful. But, restaurants in France are MUCH more expensive than in the U.S. and from your descriptions, Madrid is also more expensive. SO, I would love to go to Combarro, but am afraid it is out of our price range. Are there other less expensive retaurants you would recommend for good seafood (we love langostines) in Madrid? What about La Trainera? Pescador? Also, what are your opinions about Casa Paco that Eric Malson mentioned? I had also heard it was good.
Pedro, Thanks for the helpful info. I guess I had not realized how expensive Combarro would be. Do you have any recommendations for other restaurants for seafood in the 80 to 100 Euro range for two? La Trainera? Also any recommendations for restaurants (not fancy, but good food) under 60 Euros for two? I agree that generally the Parador restaurants are mediocre, but I thought perhaps the one in Granada would be better. Guess not. Do you have any alternative suggestions for dinner in Granada? Does anyone have any suggestions for Pedraza de la Sierra? Nerja? Avila? We are planning on Jose Maria in Segovia. arrigsby, I remember having a wonderful meal including the best merluza I have ever had at Cafe Gijon about 30 years ago. I assumed that over the years it had become warn & tired, so I was delighted to hear that you enjoyed it. What do others think? I'm almost afraid to go back for fear it will spoil my old memory...
Thanks, Paco. Do you have an address for Pelotari? It sounds delicious. And thanks for the tip about Asador Fronton. Do you have an opinion on Casa Botin?
Oh, also, any good recommendations for tapas places in Madrid? Thanks!
Pedro, Thanks for responding. We are planning to splurge on Combarro (how expensive is it? Can you give us an estimate of dinner for two?) & are therefore searching for other good restaurants that are relatively inexpensive. The kind of place that has delicious food and is a relative "bargain" for the quality of the meal. For example, we loved Senyor Parillada in Barcelona. Have read great things on Chowhound.com about Asador Fronton. What is your opinion? How expensive will it be? Also, we are wondering about Botin. Is it a good restaurant, or just a tourist attraction? Appreciate any help you can give us. This is our first time in Madrid. We are also going to be in Avila, Segovia, Pedraza, Toledo, at the Parador in Jaen (on the way to Granada), and Nerja. Would love recommendations for restaurants in any of these places. In Granada we were planning on having dinner at the Parador, but if you think there is a better recommendation, let us know. We are not interested in the latest trendiest places, just really good food at reasonable prices with a friendly welcoming atmosphere (which is almost always the case in Spain!). Thank you!
We will be in Madrid from just a few days & plan to have dinner one night at Combarro which will be somewhat of a splurge for us, but I think worth it from everything I have read. Also planning to go to Asador Fronton. Would love recommendations for other restaurants that are moderately priced with good local food. I had eliminated Casa Botin from consideration as I thought it might be a tourist trap, but I've read surprisingly good things about it on some of the other web sites so want to re-consider. What do you think? Thanks!