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Bob Marley

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  1. Bob Marley


    Yikes! You math geeks are making my brain hurt. Enologix is interesting, and controversial, but I don't think that even the founders are suggesting that you can reproduce an existing wine. They are merely suggesting that they can compare your wine with others, using known characteristics, and then make an educated guess as to how it will score, again compared with other known wines/scores. Then, they may make a suggestion as to which compounds were different in your wine vs. the know high-scorers, and what might bring your wine more in-line with others that performed better. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: IF WE PUT LESS IMPORTANCE ON THE PALATES OF A FEW, VERY SUBJECTIVE CRITICS WITH QUESTIONABLE TASTE, AND JUST BOUGHT AND DRANK WHAT WE LIKED, THEN COMPANIES LIKE ENOLOGIX AND LONG HEADACHE CAUSING POSTS WOULD BE TOTALLY UNNECESSARY! WE COULD SPEND THE TIME THAT WE WASTE READING BIASED SCORES AND OPINIONATED POSTS DRINKING GREAT WINE. Well, its just a thought......
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