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  1. kal


    Finally, for my birthday, my wife and I decided to go to Fascino. I was looking forward to it, but hoped that all the anticipation, reviews, and word of mount won’t be too over the top and our expectations will not be met. I am happy to report that I was wrong. We started out with the olive spread on toast, my wife ordered the Cornmeal Crusted Calamari with Tomato-Fennel Compote, and I ordered the Fascino CrabCake, Golden Beet Pinwheel, Oregano and Celery Root Salad. Both were extraordinary, my wife, who measures a restaurant by the quality of their calamari said that it was “the best I ever tasted”. We continued with the duck, and rack of lamb for our entrees, both cooked to perfection. It was my wife’s first taste of duck, and she couldn’t have picked a better place to do so. My lamb was fabulous, my wife loved it, and she doesn’t usually like lamb. For dessert we had the Bread Pudding and Molten Chocolate Cake both were delicious. My wife who lived in the south for many years said that it was one of the best bread puddings she ever had, and my molten chocolate cake, was entirely magnificent. The Service. The service was fantastic. Our waiter was attentive, helpful, and friendly. He wasn’t overbearing, yet dutiful, professional and cordial. He didn’t make us uneasy by over attentiveness. We were only two, but I noticed that the wait staff took great measures to get all the plates to the large tables at the same time. Our water glasses were never empty, nor our wine glasses. This was the first restaurant we ever went to that the wine bottle was taken from us at the door and brought to our table. My wife’s only comment was that she had wished that the chef would have done a “restaurant round” to ask for comments. This is the restaurant that you bring someone you want to impress. Kal.
  2. So Mr. Spinner man... no plans for a Superman themed room? You know who
  3. Try Restaurant Kaya in Hamburg, or Marakesh in Parsippany. There is also a very good Turkish restaurant in Lake Hiawatha which the name escapes me. Kal
  4. Facino Panico's Stage Left Restaurant Serenade Nicholas and more I'm sure I missed. There goes the diet, as well as the budget :) Kal
  5. kal


    I found them here: http://www.restaurantpassion-nj.com/listin...c=All&m=c&u=all Kal
  6. kal


    here are there menus: http://www.restaurantpassion-nj.com/listin...c=All&m=c&u=all
  7. The wife and I went several times to Novita 425 South Elmer Street Westfield NJ Kal
  8. I was in Europe, they say "the food and service are so good, you can't believe you're not in America". kal
  9. My immortal beloved and I went to Chez Catherine in Westfield last Saturday night. It is a cosy restaurant next to the Best Western Inn, great atmosphere, romantic, and excellent food. The host / owner Didier welcomed us with a thick French accent, and was very accomodating and cheerful throughout the night. The menu is pre-fixe (with several "supplements"). For appetizers, I ordered the Foi-gras, which was excellent, done just right. My wife ordered the pillow of seafood and lobter, which tasted great, and smelled just as good. She also had the salad. Our entrees consisted of duck for my wife, and lamb for me. The lamb was wonderful, reall succulent and did not smell at all. My wife's duck was equally as good, even though I am not a big duck fan, and frankly "leg confit" which was attached with the order simply freaks me out.... sorry. We had some sorbet, and for desserts my beloved, may she live a long life, got the assorted fruit and cheese, and myself who simply does not wish to live as long, got the chocolate souffle. I loved it and recommend the restaurant, and so does my wife. They have a huge wine selection, one of the best I've seen. However since my wife is pregnant and doesn't drink for the duration, I try not to also out of respect (I still had a glass of wine) Kal
  10. How about: Glen's Gersey Grill?
  11. There are several Asian stores on Rt. 46 in the Pine Brook / Parsippany area.
  12. Robert's Steakhouse in Garwood is good also, even though the atmosphere is a bit too stuffy for me.
  13. You can find their menus here: http://www.ardore.com/listing.asp?r=meltin...c=All&m=c&u=all
  14. I like Seabra's Rodizio on MacArtur Highway in the Ironbound section of Newark. I always thought it was Brazilian.
  15. Let me answer all of the questions, instead of my short post from before....D'OH!!! What night do you go out to eat and why? Usually Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. Saturday night for a nice dinner, and my girlfriend and I love to take daytrips on Sunday, so we usually stop and eat somewhere. Do you drink more weeknights or weekends? On weekends, maybe a beer and split a bottle of wine. This weekend we ordered a pitcher of Sangaria with dinner at Adega Grille Do you prefer to dine as a couple or with others? It varies, we love to go out with friends, but a nice romantic evening, just the tow of us, is just as nice. (No help for you here ) Is anymore more apt to dine at restaurant with a liquor license if they waive the corking charge? "Corking Charge"??? What is that? If a restaurant charges me some obscure charge like that they pretyy much guarntee themselves never seeing me, my family, friends or money ever again. How far will you drive to a restaurant on a weeknight? Weekend? Personally, I would drive an hour or so, especially if I could make a day out of it. For example, if there is a good restaurant in a nice historic village where one could walk around (Sugar Loaf, NY type of town).
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