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  1. I picked way too many green walnuts on Lummi Island this past Saturday and was wondering if anyone in the Seattle area would like a batch. They are in great shape, I think the trees mature slower up there than in Cali or in eastern Wash. Give me a holla and I'll hook you up! Hate to see them go to waste!
  2. Back in the day when I lived in an apartment equipped with a quirky electric stovetop I bought myself an electric griddle from Target. I can't sing the praises of this homely appliance loud enough! The very even heat helps make perfect pancakes, flat BACON that doesn't burn around the edges and the best crostini ever. My husband has seared scallops on one and gets an amazing rich carmelization. They are coated in teflon however. But the griddle does not heat up over 300 degrees, supposedly teflon is at it's scariest when it heats to 700 and above. And if you are super careful about using only plastic utensils on it, ehhhh...I don't know... Short of installing a wood-fired oven in your apartment, I'd recommend buying one if your electric stove is less than perfect. Good luck and welcome to Seattle!
  3. OK, here I go again with the contrarian thing. I thought the article was kind of interesting. I've often wondered what makes food critics tick. It may have been self righteous and too defensive, but I think it was a bit brave for her to come out. How do we know that other critics don't feel the same way and just don't want the bad publicity by fessing up?
  4. Don't be sorry, t. I love kids, remember? Lago is always full of them, mine included. I second Vios. Most kids love Chinooks; nice view, well designed space and halibut/chips. Blue Sushi in U Village or Fremont is usually a kick.
  5. Anyone from eGullet is welcome to call Lago the day you plan to come in and have a piece or two reserved. Mention my name, say you talk to me on eG, Carla not olivina, I know the owners.
  6. Nooo! I can't believe you found that. Don't look!! It is all messed up and a work in progress that I haven't had time to deal with! Or if you look, don't judge harshly, just give me advice. Is that story in the cannoli thing bad? Boring? Stupid? I know I have to add the recipes and that lasagna recipe is way too long... Are the pics ok? Email me if you'd like or eGullet me if that's ok. So embarrassed, Carla
  7. It would be AOK with me if something else opened in our hood. FYI and BTW, sorry, just found the site: http://www.netlingo.com/ However, the lunch crowd in Montlake is slim at best. Unless it is a Husky game day. Which presents it's own problems. Drunk frat boys fighting in the street and peeing on Cafe Lago's building? good times... 1FAAF1, Carla, the juvenile ps. I think Stone Way is way cool. Just don't open a wood fired pizzeria there.
  8. Bum, Whatever you do, stay away from any suggestions CitySearch may give you. The customer reviews are bunk (unless they are positive ) and the site itself is profit driven (duh). That said, Seattle is a tough place to find a new location. Look for a neighborhood you yourself want to hang in and go from there. That's my $600,000 worth of advice. Carla
  9. Abra, I found really large canning jars (very cool ones) at The Madison Park old fashioned hardware store. About 10 bucks. They also had cooler ones for 28 bucks (too much for me). I looked at the usual kitchen stores with no luck. The other thing I did was go to Cash and Carry and bought maraschino cherries (yuck) in large glass pickle jars. All of the other usable food stuff was in plastic. 12 bucks...
  10. Anita, Thanks for the compliment but I don't think I had anything to do with how good the nocino turned out. I followed Trillium's directions and chopped green walnuts, added a vanilla bean and some 100 proof...a nut, a bean and some moonshine. I did add a little anxiety, worry and self-doubt last year but didn't have those ingredients on hand this year. uh oh... Carla
  11. That sounds kind of funny..
  12. I have 15 green walnuts left from my nocino extravaganza. The nuts have a few brownish spots and I regret not seeing the suggestion to keep them in the fridge. They don't smell rancid..what do you all think? Should I make a little vin de noix with them? Out of the million french recipes that Abra led us to, which one didn't someone make so I can report on another? Goin' a little nutty, Carla
  13. Here I go again. I just received 20 pounds of green from Mt. Lassen. Last year I got 2 pounds... Ten times more nocino sounds alright to me!
  14. It is the stuff of my dreams.. Italian-american is good, no? Does Boston have those storefronts packed floor to ceiling with Italian foods, little wood counter with a cash register, walk thru the store into a little restaurant? I want one of those here. I'm having major nostalgia
  15. Ken, Do you mean the kind of Italian delis found on the east coast, who sell amazing meatball sandwiches, muffaleta, canolli, anchovies in salt by the piece, not just fresh mozzarella but curd as well, aged, ager and agest (?) reggiano, strong olives cured in the house, hard crust bread with that soft to die for crumb, green olive oils from Tuscany to fruity ones from Calabria and anything else a hungry person could want? Sorry, nothing like that here....Just kidding! But you won't find it all in one place. One must travel to all the aforementioned stores (salumi, delaurente...) to buy what they do best. Hope you have a car. Where are you from anyway?
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