I just returned from Puerto Rico and it included a visit to the Ron del Barrilito rum plant. It is very difficult to find. The directions that we had were not accurate, there were no signs on the main roads (no "Barrilito next exit") and few people we asked knew where it was or they thought we were referring to Bacardi. But I can tell you exactly where it is. It is best to approach from the north of Bayamon on southbound Highway 5 (a freeway). Get off at highway 28. The exit puts you onto an access road for a factory that adjoins the freeway and you head south to the intersection with 28. All traffic will want to then take a left and go under the freeway onto highway 28. The Goya food processing plant is on the other side of the freeway and a lot of traffic is trying to get there too. Don't turn left onto 28, however. Go straight at the intersection as if you are simply going to get back on southbound highway 5. Go straight about 40 yards past the intersection. This looks strange because there is nothing there but a sidewalk food stand on your right and some overgrown weeds. If you look to your right, however, you will see a small sign that either reads "Ron del Barrilito" or "Edmund Fernandez Co." and there is a driveway that will take you back toward the old wind mill they now use as an office, the hacienda and the rum plant. As you pull off the road, be careful, there is a dip and your car could bottom out. It is certainly an experience, and the people there are great to talk to. I bought a case of 2 star Barrilito for $70, which would costs close to $200 retail in the 48 states, so carrying it on the plane was a hassle but worth it. Good luck.