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  1. Picked up a La Rosa "flight" last night. Like Charlie, I really liked that the crust wasn't doughy or spongy and was on the thinner side. One quibble is that it was a tad greasy, but that's inevitable when slices sit around. Will return for a fresh whole pie. Thank you all for shaming me into stopping at this place a whole five blocks from me!
  2. Sandy, I just wanted to say how great it was to finally meet you yesterday! I bow down before your energy and enthusiasm (as I lob an unsolicited 2 cents at you to lobby for future photos of the Wash Ave. Asian strip malls, the Ritner St. bounty, Nick's Roast Beef, and probably everything else on hollyeats.com!). And because of the pizza and water ice on the brain yesterday, I'll mention here that everyone needs to hit the new-ish El Jarocho at 13th & Ellsworth (4 overly tempting blocks from my house). It's owned by the La Veracruzana family, tacos are fantastic (I can't seem to order anything else when I'm there), and... THEY DELIVER.
  3. How timely - haven't posted here in a long time, in large part because my husband and I have spent the better part of a year trying to open a restaurant on E. Passyunk Ave. in S. Philly. It's been and continues to be baptism by fire, including but of course not limited to zoning hearing delays, unsatisfactory architect issues and inevitable construction delays - we thought we'd be open in May, then June/maybe July, now it's looking more like September (2005 - we think). Given our relative lack of experience in the industry, some people have remarked on how "bold" we are to do this, which I know is code for "ARE YOU HIGH??" But an unusual opportunity for us to make a mark in our neighborhood - in the form of a very well-priced site on a revitalizing commercial strip - presented itself, and our very talented chef (Luciana Spurio of the former Buon Appetito, for those of you who may remember) was eager to stay on in the area and spread her wings. So this is where we are now, anxiety-ridden and cash-poor but excited. I could go on and on with all the excruciating details (and I just might yet!), but it's great to not feel alone!
  4. Cath

    Water Ice

    Tried the brand-new Phila. Water Ice Co. at 15th & Oregon yesterday. Went out on a limb and got a S. Philly "gelati," cookies 'n cream water ice w/vanilla soft serve. The cookies 'n cream was surprisingly good, sorbet-like in texture and not overly sweet, and rendered the ice cream unnecessary (which I of course ate anyway). In addition to most of the usual flavors, they also make a sugar-free cherry and a host of water-ice smoothies.
  5. Cath

    Water Ice

    James: I don't know about water ice places between those points, but it's Italiano's all the way for me. Have lunch at Johnny's, then fly down Delaware Ave. to Oregon to 11th to Shunk (hopefully, all the lights will be timed in your favor) and back to PMA with ices and/or gelatis in hand. Plan it for a day when key staff - you know who I mean - are out or at long lunches. Trust me, it can be done.
  6. Sicilian breakfast, mmm...! (Is anyone at Capogiro getting this?) Well, why not? Who'd have thought rosemary goat-milk honey could be so good?
  7. My recent Capogiro combo was pistachio and bitter chocolate, which is so dark it's nearly black. Sweet Jesus, it was good. Anyone else enjoy imported mortadella with the pistachio nuts in it? Once in a while, I make a mortadella sandwich on a crusty roll with a little drizzle of balsamic. Sweet Jesus, I want one now.
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