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Everything posted by kozysnack

  1. table for one: salad, soup, ap, 2nd ap, felt a bit silly asking for the 3rd and 4th LOL. It's happy hour and its all half off. order of fish then needed some red meat. it went on wanted the pasta and then they came by with a cart of fresh baked pies, I was about to say no but the Chef came out and said he wanted me to try a small bit of each. HJe must have thought I was a food writer. I realy did almost asked the couple next to me if I could share the chocolate cake with them! Icecream anyone?
  2. think I can swap for the day shift so I can make it . I'll just let ya know
  3. June 10th would be great for me too, I'll ask off for it right now.
  4. Well I have to say I'd like to pinch just about anything to save a buck, so I can try the "New Orleans Style Banana Bread Pudding with Caramelized Espresso-Bourbon Sauce - $ 5.25 " just my idea of a great way to end a night with friends
  5. Just wanted to toss out a bone and ask about Castle Hill Cafe and see what you Austin Foodies think of it? Is it a place a small group could go an have an informal meeting?
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